GFPM calibration files are called World.xls. Read data from world.xls.

# Set same path for knitr evaluation as for interactive use
opts_knit$set(root.dir = '../..')
## Chunk deactivated
## ! World.xlsx is too large to be loaded in R see below
## Load GFPM configuration from World.xls
### Load from Excel doesn't work, out of memory error
file <- "../../../Research/projects/WWF_UK_scenario/GFPM_world/World_nov2014.xlsx"
demand <- read.xlsx(file, 2)

# Error in .jcall("RJavaTools", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "invokeMethod", cl,  : 
#   java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

I copied the demand and supply sheets to csv files and loaded from csv instead.

# csv copied from World.xls 
### Load from csv instead
demand <- read.csv("rawdata/world_nov2014_demand.csv")
supply <- read.csv("rawdata/world_nov2014_supply.csv")
# Remove the last lines about the dummy country "zy".
demand <- demand %>% filter(countrycode != "zy")
supply <- supply %>% filter(countrycode != "zy")

Demand parameters

# For the UK only
# demand %>% 
#     filter(countrycode == "q3") %>% 
#     merge(GFPMoutput::productcodes, 
#           by.x = "productcode", by.y="Product_Code") %>%
#     select(productcode, Product, priceelast, gdpelast) %>%
#     kable()

# For all world countries
unique(demand[c("productcode", "priceelast", "gdpelast")]) %>%
          by.x = "productcode", by.y="Product_Code") %>%
    select(productcode, Product, priceelast, gdpelast) %>%

Supply parameters

# Add country names and product codes
countrycodes <- GFPMoutput::countrycodes %>%
    select(countrycode = Country_Code, country = Country)
supply <- supply %>% merge(countrycodes) %>% 
              by.x = "productcode", by.y="Product_Code")

unique(supply[c("productcode", "Product" , "priceelast", "firstelast", "stockelast")]) %>%
    select(productcode, Product, priceelast, firstelast, stockelast) %>%

# Remove China, which has a different supply elasticity, see below
supply2 <- supply %>% 
unique(supply2[c("productcode", "Product","priceelast", "firstelast", "stockelast")]) %>%
    select(productcode, Product, priceelast, 
           firstelast, stockelast) %>%

Wich countries have a different elasticity of supply for Fuelwood, IndRound and OthIndRound?

# Number of countries by product
supply %>% 
    group_by(priceelast, productcode) %>% 
    summarize(numberofcountries = n())

# There is actually only one country
supply %>% filter(priceelast == 0.5) %>%
    select(Product, countrycode, country)

paul4forest/GFPMoutput documentation built on May 24, 2019, 8:25 p.m.