Man pages for paulgovan/AutoDeskR
An Interface to the 'AutoDesk' 'API' Platform

checkBucketCheck the Status of an App-Managed Bucket.
checkFileCheck the Status of a Translated File.
checkPdfCheck the status of a PDF.
downloadFileDownload a file locally.
getDataGet the Geometry Data for a File.
getMetadataGet the Metadata for a File.
getObjectTreeGet the Object Tree of a File.
getOutputUrnGet the Output URN for a File.
getTokenGet a 2-Legged Token for Authentication.
makeBucketMake a Bucket for an App.
makePdfConvert a DWG to a PDF.
translateObjTranslate a File into OBJ Format.
translateSvfTranslate a File into SVF Format.
uploadFileUpload a File to an App-Managed Bucket.
viewer3DLaunch the Viewer.
viewerUIUI Module Function.
paulgovan/AutoDeskR documentation built on July 30, 2023, 11:08 a.m.