Man pages for paulhendricks/functools
Tools for Functional Programming in R

AllTest if all items in an object evaluate to TRUE.
AlwaysCreate a function that that always returns a specific object.
AndifyPredicate function operator that creates new predicate...
AnyTest if any items in an object evaluate to TRUE.
ApplyWrapper for apply function.
BestFind the best value in a vector.
CompactFilter NA and NULL values out of a vector, list, or...
ComposeCompose multiple functions.
ExistyTests the "existiness" of an object.
Fail_WithFail with a default value.
FalseReturn the value FALSE.
functoolsfunctools: Tools for Functional Programming in R
IdentityReturn the object passed to it.
LapplyWrapper for lapply function.
MapplyWrapper for mapply function.
MemoiseMemoise a function.
NaReturn the value NA.
NullReturn the value NULL.
OrifyPredicate function operator that creates new predicate...
PartialPartial apply a function, filling in some arguments.
Reduce_RightSimple wrapper for Reduce, proceeding from the right.
RejectReject values for which a predicate function returns TRUE.
SapplyWrapper for sapply function.
TapplyWrapper for tapply function.
TrueReturn the value TRUE.
TruthyTests the "truthiness" of an object.
VapplyWrapper for vapply function.
paulhendricks/functools documentation built on May 24, 2019, 8:41 p.m.