Man pages for paulhibbing/PAutilities
Streamline Physical Activity Research

add_summaryTransitionAddition and subtraction for objects of class...
asAs("summaryTransition", "data.frame")
ba_analysisPerform Bland-Altman analysis on a data frame
ba_plotCreate a Bland-Altman plot
bmi_internalInternal helper functions for 'get_BMI_percentile'
bout_mvpaClassify moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in bouts of a...
cvd_riskCalculate risk of cardiovascular disease
DAgostinoAssess risk using the method of D'Agostino et al. (2008)
descriptivesCompute descriptive statistics for a variable in the...
df_continuousCheck if a dataframe is continuous
df_reorderReorder the columns of a data frame
epoch_length_secDetermine epoch length in seconds
equivalent_atDetermine the minimum equivalence zone necessary for...
ex_dataExample data for calculating bouts of moderate-to-vigorous...
full_daysDrop incomplete days from a dataset
get_ageCalculate age
get_bmiCalculate body mass index
get_BMI_percentileCalculate youth BMI percentile from CDC standards
get_bmrRetrieve estimated basal metabolic rate for an individual
get_indicesRetrieve indices for a rolling window analysis
get_intensityClassify activity intensity
get_kcal_vo2_conversionRetrieve conversion factors from kilocalories to oxygen...
get_matchingsObtain the matchings for predicted and actual activity...
get_proposer_rankRank preferences for an arbitrary proposer and rejecter,...
get_reeCalculate resting energy expenditure
get_ree_internalInternal functions for calculating resting energy expenditure
get_transition_infoInvoke the Transition Pairing Method
index_runsRun length encoding with indices
manage_procedurePrinting and timing utility for managing processes
mean_sdCompute the mean and standard deviation of a vector,...
metabolic_row_wiseDispatch resting metabolic rate calculations based on data...
n_crossingsDetermine the number of temporal conflicts among the pairs...
new_paired_equivalenceA combined constructor and validator for 'paired_equivalence'...
paired_equivalence_testPerform equivalence testing on paired samples
paired_equivalence_wrapperA template function for conducting a paired equivalence test
PAutilitiesPAutilities: Streamline Physical Activity Research
plot.paired_equivalencePlot the outcome of a paired equivalence test
plot.spurious_curvePlot a spurious curve
plot.transitionPlot the transitions and matchings from a 'transition' object
prune_prefsAccount for cases that refuse all matches
reconstruct_transitionsImpute placeholder values into a 'transition' object
residual_adjustPerform residual adjustment on an epidemiologic variable
rmr_slidingCalculate resting metabolic rate using a sliding window...
rolling_groupsLoop along a vector, returning n elements at a time in a list
sequence_checkLabel matchings for rejection if the assignment violates...
spurious_curvePerform a spurious curve analysis
summary.transitionObtain preference lists for predicted and actual (reference)...
summaryTransition-classAn S4 class containing summary information about a...
test_errorsCompare numeric variables in a data frame based on...
weight_statusDetermine weight status from body mass index
weir_equationCalculate energy expenditure using the Weir equation
paulhibbing/PAutilities documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 3:23 p.m.