
## All of this is old code that may be useful at some point

# #' Smooth predicted values from a two-regression algorithm
# #'
# #' Collapses data over a specified epoch length
# #'
# #' @param AG A data frame of monitor data that has been processed with a two-regression algorithm
# #' @param timestamps A vector of POSIX-formatted timestamps corresponding to the two-regression data
# #' @param epoch The desired epoch length over which to collapse
# #' @param verbose A logical scalar: print progress updates?
# #' @param class_summary A logical scalar: Include summary of two-regression classification in the output?
# #'
# #' @return A data frame of collapsed two-regression data
# #' @export
# #'
# #' @examples
# #' \donttest{
# #' raw_file <- system.file(
# #'   "extdata",
# #'   "TestID_LeftWrist_RAW.csv",
# #'   package = "TwoRegression"
# #' )
# #'
# #' imu_file <- system.file(
# #'   "extdata",
# #'   "TestID_LeftWrist_IMU.csv",
# #'   package = "TwoRegression"
# #' )
# #'
# #' wear <- "Left Wrist"
# #' id <- "Test"
# #' alg <- 1:2
# #' full_data <-
# #'     hibbing18_twoReg_process(raw_file, imu_file, wear, id, alg)
# #'
# #' AG_smooth(full_data, as.POSIXlt(full_data$Timestamp))
# #' }
# AG_smooth <- function(
#     AG, timestamps, epoch = 60, class_summary = FALSE, verbose
# ) {
#   if (!"minute_of_day" %in% names(AG)) {
#     message_update(28, is_message = TRUE)
#     return(AG)
#   }
#   start_epoch <- as.numeric(diff(timestamps[1:2]))
#   rows_per_block <- epoch / start_epoch
#   minutes <- strftime(timestamps, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", "UTC")
#   excess  <- tapply(minutes, minutes, length)
#   excess  <- excess[excess != rows_per_block]
#   AG <- AG[!minutes %in% names(excess), ]
#   stopifnot(nrow(AG) %% epoch == 0)
#   if (rows_per_block %% 1 != 0) {
#     message_update(
#       29, start_epoch = start_epoch, epoch = epoch, is_message = TRUE
#     )
#     return(AG)
#   }
#   minutes <- setdiff(minutes, names(excess))
#   indices <-
#     seq(rows_per_block) %>%
#     {rep(., length(unique(minutes)))}
#   block_number <-
#     cumsum(indices == 1) %T>%
#     {stopifnot(sd(table(.)) == 0)}
#   AG$Block <- block_number
#   measure_names <- names(AG)[
#     grepl("Classification$", names(AG)) | grepl("METs$", names(AG))
#   ]
#   descriptive_names <- c(
#     "PID", "file_source_PrimaryAccel", "date_processed_PrimaryAccel",
#     "file_source_IMU", "date_processed_IMU", "Timestamp", "day_of_year",
#     "minute_of_day", "ENMO", "Gyroscope_VM_DegPerS",
#     "mean_abs_Gyroscope_x_DegPerS", "mean_abs_Gyroscope_y_DegPerS",
#     "mean_abs_Gyroscope_z_DegPerS", "mean_magnetometer_direction",
#     "ENMO_CV10s", "GVM_CV10s", "Direction", "Block"
#   )
#   ## Collapse descriptive part of data set
#   descriptive_set <- AG[ ,setdiff(names(AG), measure_names)]
#   if (!all(names(descriptive_set) %in% descriptive_names)) {
#     missing_vars <- names(descriptive_set)[
#       !names(descriptive_set) %in% descriptive_names
#     ]
#     message_update(30, missing_vars = missing_vars, is_message = TRUE)
#     return(AG)
#   }
#   descriptive_data <-
#     names(descriptive_set) %>%
#     lapply(smooth_column, AG = descriptive_set) %>%
#     c(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
#     do.call(data.frame, .)
#   names(descriptive_data) %<>%
#     strsplit("\\.") %>%
#     lapply(function(x) x[length(x)]) %>%
#     unlist(.)
#   ## Collapse MET variables
#   met_vars <- measure_names[grepl("METs$", measure_names)]
#   classification_vars <- measure_names[
#     grepl("Classification$", measure_names)
#   ]
#   stopifnot(setequal(
#     measure_names, c(met_vars, classification_vars)
#   ))
#   METs <-
#     met_vars %>%
#     sapply(function(x) {
#       stats::setNames(
#         data.frame(tapply(AG[ ,x], AG$Block, mean, na.rm = TRUE)),
#         paste("mean", x, sep = "_")
#       )
#     }, USE.NAMES = FALSE) %>%
#     do.call(data.frame, .)
#   ## Collapse classifications (if applicable) and finish up
#   if (class_summary) {
#     classification <-
#       classification_vars %>%
#       sapply(function(x) {
#         tapply(
#           AG[ ,x],
#           AG$Block,
#           function(y) {
#             data.frame(
#               SED_prop = sum(y == "SED") / length(y),
#               CWR_prop = sum(y == "CWR") / length(y),
#               ILA_prop = sum(y == "ILA") / length(y)
#             )
#           }
#         ) %>%
#           do.call(rbind, .)
#       }, simplify = FALSE) %>%
#       do.call(data.frame, .)
#     names(classification) %<>% gsub("Classification\\.", "", .)
#     AG <- data.frame(descriptive_data, classification, METs)
#   } else {
#     AG <- data.frame(descriptive_data, METs)
#   }
#   AG$Block <- NULL
#   AG
# }
# #' Rules to collapse columns of data passed to \code{\link{AG_smooth}}
# #'
# #' @param col_name The name of a single column in \code{AG} to be collapsed
# #' @inheritParams AG_smooth
# #'
# #' @return A vector of data collapsed according to the specified rule for \code{col_name}
# #' @keywords internal
# #'
# smooth_column <- function(col_name, AG) {
#   switch(
#     col_name,
#     "PID" = AG$PID[1],
#     "file_source_PrimaryAccel" = AG$file_source_PrimaryAccel[1],
#     "date_processed_PrimaryAccel" =
#       as.character(AG$date_processed_PrimaryAccel)[1],
#     "file_source_IMU" = AG$file_source_IMU[1],
#     "date_processed_IMU" =
#       as.character(AG$date_processed_IMU[1]),
#     "Timestamp" =
#       data.frame(Timestamp =
#                    tapply(AG$Timestamp, AG$Block, function(x) x[1]),
#                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
#     "day_of_year" = AG$day_of_year[1],
#     "minute_of_day" = AG$minute_of_day[1],
#     "ENMO" =
#       data.frame(mean_ENMO =
#                    tapply(AG$ENMO, AG$Block, mean, na.rm = TRUE)),
#     "Gyroscope_VM_DegPerS" =
#       data.frame(mean_Gyroscope_VM_DegPerS =
#                    tapply(AG$Gyroscope_VM_DegPerS, AG$Block, mean, na.rm = TRUE)),
#     "mean_abs_Gyroscope_x_DegPerS" =
#       data.frame(mean_abs_Gyroscope_x_DegPerS =
#                    tapply(AG$mean_abs_Gyroscope_x_DegPerS, AG$Block, mean, na.rm = TRUE)),
#     "mean_abs_Gyroscope_y_DegPerS" =
#       data.frame(mean_abs_Gyroscope_y_DegPerS =
#                    tapply(AG$mean_abs_Gyroscope_y_DegPerS, AG$Block, mean, na.rm = TRUE)),
#     "mean_abs_Gyroscope_z_DegPerS" =
#       data.frame(mean_abs_Gyroscope_z_DegPerS =
#                    tapply(AG$mean_abs_Gyroscope_z_DegPerS, AG$Block, mean, na.rm = TRUE)),
#     "mean_magnetometer_direction" = NA,
#     "ENMO_CV10s" =
#       data.frame(mean_ENMO_CV10s =
#                    tapply(AG$ENMO_CV10s, AG$Block, mean, na.rm = TRUE)),
#     "GVM_CV10s" =
#       data.frame(mean_GVM_CV10s =
#                    tapply(AG$GVM_CV10s, AG$Block, mean, na.rm = TRUE)),
#     "Direction" =
#       data.frame(mean_direction_changes =
#                    tapply(AG$Direction, AG$Block, mean, na.rm = TRUE)),
#     "Left_Wrist_Algorithm1_Classification" = NA,
#     "Left_Wrist_Algorithm1_METs" = NA,
#     "Left_Wrist_Algorithm2_Classification" = NA,
#     "Left_Wrist_Algorithm2_METs" = NA,
#     "Block" =
#       data.frame(Block = tapply(AG$Block, AG$Block, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
#   )
# }
paulhibbing/TwoRegression documentation built on July 9, 2023, 2:57 a.m.