Man pages for paulnorthrop/rust
Ratio-of-Uniforms Simulation with Transformation

create_log_j_xptrCreate external pointer to a C++ function for 'log_j'
create_phi_to_theta_xptrCreate external pointer to a C++ function for 'phi_to_theta'
create_xptrCreate external pointer to a C++ function for 'logf'
find_lambdaSelecting the Box-Cox parameter for general d
find_lambda_one_dSelecting the Box-Cox parameter in the 1D case
find_lambda_one_d_rcppSelecting the Box-Cox parameter in the 1D case using Rcpp
find_lambda_rcppSelecting the Box-Cox parameter for general d using Rcpp
gpd_initInitial estimates for Generalized Pareto parameters
gpd_logpostGeneralized Pareto posterior log-density
gpd_sum_statsGeneralized Pareto summary statistics
plot.ruPlot diagnostics for an ru object
print.ruPrint method for an '"ru"' object
rgpdGeneralized Pareto simulation
ruGeneralized ratio-of-uniforms sampling
ru_rcppGeneralized ratio-of-uniforms sampling using C++ via Rcpp
rust-internalInternal rust functions
rust-packagerust: Ratio-of-Uniforms Simulation with Transformation
summary.ruSummarizing ratio-of-uniforms samples
paulnorthrop/rust documentation built on Aug. 22, 2024, 2:20 a.m.