Man pages for paulnorthrop/stat1004
stat1004: Introduction to Probability and Statistics at UCL

aussie_birthsAustralian Birth Times Data
binomial_pmf_movieBinomial p.m.f. movie
blood_typesBlood Types
boxcox_plotPlot Box-Cox transformed density functions
box_plotBox plots
boxplot_statsBox Plot Statistics
clt_exponential_movieCentral Limit Theorem movie: exponential data
clt_normal_movieCentral Limit Theorem movie: normal data
corr_sim_movieSampling distribution of the correlation coefficient movie
daysMystery data in Exercises 1
five_numberFive number summary
fluInfluenza data
ftseFTSE 100 Share Index
hubbleNebulae data from Hubble (1929)
lev_inf_movieLeverage and influence movie
lin_reg_movieSimple linear regression movie
lymphomaT-cell count data in Exercises 2
mean_vs_median_normal_movieSample mean vs sample median: normally distributed data
mean_vs_median_t_movieSample mean vs sample median: Student's t distributed data
moviesGeneral information about the movies
normal_areas_movieNormal areas movie
normal_pdf_movieNormal p.d.f. movie
normal_sampling_distns_movieNormal sampling distributions movie
ox_birthsOxford Birth Times
ox_births_movieOxford Birth Times Simulation Movie
plot.poisson_processPlot diagnostics a 'poisson_process' object
poisson_process_checkGraphical checking of Poisson process properties
poisson_process_moviePoisson process movie
poisson_process_simSimulation of a Poisson process
qq_plot_movieQuantile-Quantile plot movie
rbinomialSimulates from a binomial distribution
scatterScatter plot with five number summary
scatter_histScatter plot with marginal histograms
scatterplot_movieUS 2000 Presidential Election Movie: straightening scatter...
shuttleChallenger Space Shuttle Disaster Dataset
shuttle_movieChallenger Space Shuttle Disaster Movie
shuttle_simSimulate fake space shuttle data
shuttle_sim_histsSpace shuttle: uncertainty in estimated probability of O-ring...
shuttle_sim_plotSpace shuttle: uncertainty in fitted linear logistic...
skewnessSample skewness functions
stat1004stat0002 (stat1004): Introduction to Probability and...
two_by_two_movieTest for lack of association in a 2 by 2 contingency table
USelectionThe 2000 U.S. Presidential Election in Florida
world_bankWorld Bank Data
world_bank_movieWorld Bank Development Indicators Movie
paulnorthrop/stat1004 documentation built on Nov. 17, 2019, 3:49 a.m.