Man pages for pbiecek/PISAtools
A set of tools useful when dealing with PISA data.

calculateCoeffs.polrCalculate coefficients and standard errors based on weights...
calculateItemsPerformaceCalculate Item Performance
calculateItemsPerformaceInGroupsCalculate Item Performance In Groups
countryCentroidsCountry centroids
df2jsonConvert data frame into json
getISCEDCalcualtion of ISCED level of parent
getRankingCountry ranking
getStudentsFromExtremeSchoolsFind schools or students from schools with most extreme...
ISCO08ISCO 08 - International Standard Classification of...
ISCO88ISCO 88 - International Standard Classification of...
ISEIconvConverion table from ISCO-88 to ISEI
ISEIconv08Converion table from ISCO-808 to ISEI
mathItemClassificationVarious classifications of Math, Reading, Science, Financial...
minMaxPlotPlot for joint distribution of min/max of pairs (pairs like...
plotHTreePerformance vs. two level structured variable
plotMeltedItemGroupPerformancePlot of item performance in groups
removeGroupMeansRemove group's (school's) weighted means
slashPlotSlash Plot for interaction of two variables
weighted.bagplotCompare two bagplots
pbiecek/PISAtools documentation built on May 24, 2019, 10:35 p.m.