bios4120-package: Random question generator for BIOS 4120

bios4120R Documentation

Random question generator for BIOS 4120


Randomly generates certainly types of questions for the course BIOS:4120 at the University of Iowa to help students study for exams.


Patrick Breheny <>


# Quiz 2
prob()  ## Probability question
corr()  ## Correlation/regression question
quiz2() ## Randomly draws one of the above two questions

# Quiz 3
distr() ## Distributions (normal, binomial, central limit theorem)
cat1()  ## One-sample categorical data (using CLT approximation)
cont1() ## One-sample continuous data
quiz3() ## Randomly draws one of the above three questions

# Quiz 4
cat2()  ## Two-sample categorical data
cont2() ## Two-sample continuous data
quiz4() ## Randomly draws one of the above two questions

# Post-Quiz 4
ANOVA() ## ANOVA/multiple comparison question 
surv()  ## Kaplan-Meier/survival question 
quiz5() ## Randomly draws one of the above two questions 
final() ## Randomly draws a question from quiz2, quiz3, quiz4, or quiz5 

pbreheny/bios4120 documentation built on May 10, 2024, 6:32 a.m.