model_setup: Load models and set up lists and classes for the base model,...

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model_setupR Documentation

Load models and set up lists and classes for the base model, bridge model groups, and sensitivity model groups


Load models and set up lists and classes for the base model, bridge model groups, and sensitivity model groups


  drs = NA,
  base_models_desc = NA,
  bridge_models_desc = NA,
  sens_models_desc = NA,
  retro_models_desc = NA,



Output list from set_dirs()


A list of descriptions for the base models


A list of vectors of text strings to show in the legends for bridge model plots, one name for each model, where the list elements represent a group of models


A list of vectors of text strings to show in the legends for sensitivity model plots, one name for each model, where the list elements represent a group of models


A list of vectors of text strings to show in the legends for retrospective model plots, one name for each model, where the list elements represent a group of models


Arguments to pass to create_rds_file()


If any of the text lists are NULL, default description text will be assigned and a warning given. If the object "models" is already in existence, that will be used and only the names will be changed. This allows for easy and fast switching between French and English.


A list of items, the base_model inside a single-element list, the list of bridge model groups, sensitivity model groups, request model groups, test model groups, and retrospective model groups. These groups are lists of models which are to be compared with each other in the document. This simplifies plotting and table functions

pbs-assess/gfiscamutils documentation built on Oct. 24, 2024, 1:37 p.m.