It is common to solve numerical problems using point iteration; iterating $x_{n+1} = f(x_n)$ to convergence. Sometimes this technique can be fast --- for instance the Newton iteration --- but sometimes this technique can be slow, for instance if the function $f$ is slow to calculate. A set of tricks apparently not known in the data science community can sometimes accelerate these iterations. We demonstrate here with some examples; these are chosen for ease of exposition and not for realism.

Simple example

We begin with a simple (scalar) point iteration; we want to solve $x = 100$ using the iteration $x_{n+1} = 1 + 0.99 x_n$. We'll take $50$ steps, starting at $x_0 = 0.2$.

iteration <- function(start, f, num) {
    result <- matrix(0, nrow=length(start), ncol=num)
    for (ind in seq_len(num)) {
        result[,ind] <- f(start)
        start <- result[,ind]

func <- function(x) {1 + 0.99 * x}

steps <- iteration(0.2, func, 50)

Let's see how the error decreases with the iterations:

plot(abs(100 - as.vector(steps)), ylim=c(0, 100),
     ylab='error', xlab='iteration number')

This is horribly slow (and of course was constructed to be slow). But it does serve to demonstrate how well extrapolation can work. Let's try the RRE method.


x0 <- 0.2
rre.results <- c()
for (ind in seq_len(5)) {
    results <- iteration(x0, func, 10)
    rre.results <- c(rre.results, results)
    x0 <- rre(results[, seq(5, 10), drop=FALSE])

plot(abs(100 - as.vector(steps)), ylim=c(0, 100),
     ylab='error', xlab='iteration number')
points(abs(100 - rre.results), ylim=c(0, 100),
       ylab='error (RRE)', xlab='iteration number', pch=22)

Where previously we had an error of approximately $50$ after $50$ iterations, here we have an exact answer after the first RRE step. This was --- in fact --- predictable. RRE is exactly designed to take out geometric errors; if errors are exactly geometric RRE will be perfect.

Vector example

Let's try a more complex example; solving $x = \log (2 + (I + A) x)$, where $A$ is a random matrix.


A <- matrix(runif(100, -0.1, 0.1), nrow=10, ncol=10)
func <- function(x) {
    log(2 + x + A %*% x)

start <- runif(10)
rre.results <- matrix(0, nrow=10, ncol=5 * 10)
for (ind in seq_len(5)) {
    results <- iteration(start, func, 10)
    range <- seq((ind-1) * 10 + 1, ind * 10)
    rre.results[,range] <- results
    start <- rre(results[, seq(5, 10), drop=FALSE])

plot(apply(apply(rre.results, 1, diff),
           1, function(x) {sum(abs(x))}),
     log='y', xlab='iteration count', ylab='delta')

We can see quite clearly how the RRE causes sharp decreases in the error. It's quite a nice technique for getting more out of an iteration.

pdmetcalfe/extrapolatr documentation built on June 12, 2021, 8:09 p.m.