build_sweary: Automates sweary builds

Description Usage Arguments Value


It starts with rebuilding the 'swear_words' data frame by running a prepared script. It lists all language files and constructs the data frame.

Then it rerenders the README.Rmd file so that all the proper numbers of new words and languages propagate into We also have to delete the README.html file that is created in the process.

The next step is to create necesarry documentation from roxygen comments.

Then we build the package as we would normally.

After a build, we run local tests that ensure our raw files consistency and check that the data frame 'swear_words' has been modified accordingly.

The last step is a complex check.

Every error or warning should be properly addressed before merging into master.





If TRUE, stops printing most of the output. Defaults to FALSE.


Summary of the build process - list of class sweary_build_results.

pdrhlik/sweary documentation built on May 8, 2019, 12:59 a.m.