options(htmltools.dir.version = FALSE)

knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = "#>")







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What is Pearsonverse?

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Pearsonverse is a collection of in-house packages that make it easier to conduct an exploratory data science project in R from start to end.

background-image: url('intro_img/vispear_ex1.png') background-size: 70%

background-image: url('intro_img/vispear_ex2.png') background-size: 70%

background-image: url('intro_img/index_ex.png') background-size: 70%

background-image: url('intro_img/report_ex.png') background-size: 70%

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Final report example

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The world before Pearsonverse

The world before Pearsonverse


Everybody in our team ...





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Pearsonverse solves all those problems!



Collection of packages:


  1. skelpear a standardised project environment that facilitates collaboration.


  1. reppear a standardised report layout that facilitates reproducibility.


  1. vispear a standardised visualisation template.

.bottom-text[ See pearsonverse documentation on GitHub. ]


All you have to do is:

# Install package

# Attach package

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Project Phases

Project phases

  1. Build a project environment (skelpear)


  1. Conduct the analysis (vispear)


  1. Produce a report (reppear, vispear)


  1. Publish it (reppear)


Throughout the entire project: Maintain reproducibility (skelpear)

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Building a project

Project environment


skelpear::project_create(name = "project", path = ".")



Two arguments


name - Project name. Must be a valid directory name for your file system.


path - A path for storing your new project.

Project environment


skelpear::project_create(name = "project", path = ".")


  1. After executing project_create(), a new RStudio session will open automatically.


  1. The function initialises a git environment.

Project environment


skelpear::project_create(name = "project", path = ".")



.bottom-text[ More info about each directory in the documentation. ]

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Project environment + git

To push your project to bitbucket, you need to do 2 things:


  1. Create a repository on bitbucket.

-- 2. In terminal, use git remote add origin <remote_URL> to link your local project with the bitbucket repository.


After that, you're ready to push your commit/s.

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the analysis

Conduct the analysis

Basic layout .pull-three[ .small-code[

       aes(x = qsec, 
           y = mpg, 
           color = factor(cyl)
       ) + 
  geom_point(size = 5)



ggplot(mtcars, aes(qsec, mpg, color = factor(cyl))) + 
  geom_point(size = 5)


Conduct the analysis

theme_enr layout .pull-three[ .small-code[

       aes(x = qsec, 
           y = mpg, 
           color = factor(cyl)
       ) + 
  geom_point(size = 5) +
  theme_enr(color = p_colors)



ggplot(mtcars, aes(qsec, mpg, color = factor(cyl))) + 
  geom_point(size = 5) +
  theme_enr(color = p_colors)


Conduct the analysis

Save plot

There are two functions:



plot <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(qsec, mpg, color = factor(cyl))) + 
  geom_point(size = 5) +
  theme_enr(color = p_colors)

# .png and .pdf files are created
save_plot2(name = plot, 
           file = "graphs/01_mtcars") 


.bottom-text[ Both functions are compatible with the theme_enr layout. ]

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Conduct the analysis

Show palettes

The function show_enr_palettes() lists all palletes available in the vispear package.



palette_list <- lapply(vispear::show_enr_palettes(), attributes)
data.frame(name = names(palette_list), description = unlist(unname(palette_list)))


Conduct the analysis


datatable_enr(mtcars, tooltip = "This is the description of table.")


.bottom-text[ Read more about the function in documentation (Epic or VPN required). ]

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the report

Produce the report

reppear::report_create(file = "01_report", subdir = "reports")


Produce the report

reppear::report_create(file = "01_report", subdir = "reports")


Two arguments


file - Report name. Must be a valid directory name for your file system.


subdir - Subdirectory where you want to store your new report.

Produce the report

reppear::report_create(file = "01_report", subdir = "reports")


-- - index.Rmd - a file which acts as a home page for all reports within the project*.

.bottom-text[ *More info about the file in documentation. ]

Produce the report

To render index.Rmd,



It re/builds index.html, tooltip_content.html and header.html files.

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Publish it

Publish it

reppear::publish(file = "reports/")

.bottom-text[ For now only kvm1-e01.ioki.pl server is defined. ]

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Maintain reproducibility


# Save your package environment

# Compare package environment


These two functions allow you to save and compare the packages used during the project. Use this if you want to make sure that others with whom you share the codebase have the same setup*.

.bottom-text[ *More info about how the functions work in documentation. ]

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Final thoughts





Testers wanted



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Ideas, bugs?


Please write an issue on https://github.com/pearsonplc/pearsonverse/issues

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pearsonplc/pearsonverse documentation built on May 30, 2019, 3:45 p.m.