BETS: BETS: A package for obtaining and analysing thousands of...

Description Note Author(s)


The Brazilian Economic Time Series (BETS) package provides access and information about the most important Brazilian economic time series.

These series are created by three influential centers: the Central Bank of Brazil (BCB), the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the Brazilian Institute of Economics, from the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FVG-IBRE). Currently, there are more than 18.640 available time series, most of them free of charge. Besides providing access to this vast database, the package allows the user to interact with data in an easy and friendly way.

For instance, the user can search for a time series using keywords. More importantly, it installs several consecrated packages for time series analysis, giving the user the option to perform a complete analysis without having to worry about installing and loading other packages. In a near future, the authors will publish a series of R exercises to be solved with BETS and its statiscal/econometrical tools, therefore helping the user to understand the behavior of brazilian time series.


The authors would like to thank the support by the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and make it clear that all data in the package is in public domain. The rights of all centers from which the series are taken are maintained. We reaffirm that BETS is mainly intended for academic usage.


Pedro Costa Ferreira, Jonatha Costa, Talitha Speranza

pedrocostaferreira/BETS documentation built on June 1, 2020, 7:53 a.m.