
US National Highway Trac Safety Administration's Fatality Analysis Reporting System, which is a nationwide census providing the American public yearly data regarding fatal injuries suered in motor vechicle trac crashes.

Main Functions:

fars_summarize_years (years)

This function shows the summary of FARS info (data frame). Count the accidents per month and year.


fars_map_state (years)

This function plots the State map with FARS data of a specific year. If no data to plot, a message and NULL will return.


Other Functions:

make_filename (year)

This function will make a filename based on the input year, which requires a numerical input.

fars_read_years (years)

This function will take a list of years as input and read the corresponding FARS files of those years.

fars_read (filename)

This function read FARS data (Fatality Analysis Reporting System) from a CSV file and returns a tibble. If the path or file is incorrect, the fuction will stop with an error.

pehoxx/pho documentation built on May 6, 2019, 11:47 a.m.