
This is a package that provieds usefool tools to request and treat data from the different databases of the French cadaster. It also handles some manipulation of sp objects in order to be able extract the correct polygon from a (longitude, lattitude) localisation.

api used : BANO packages used : - sf - banR - dplyr - magrittr - assertthat - glue - R.utils

authors : - Régis Bouyoux - Jean-Eudues Peloye - Antoine Redier


Retrieves all addresses (+ useful info) that match the address query in the BANO database

adress_data <- cadastertools::get_bano_matches("12, rue de lota")
adress_data <- adress_data[1,]


Downloads the json file containing the geo info according to the provided city_code and layer

town_json <- cadastertools::download_cadaster(adress_data$citycode, layer = "batiments")


Parses the provided GeoJSON to a Simple Features dataframe

town_data <- cadastertools::json_to_sf(town_json)


gets the nearest polygon from a long lat point in a given SF dataframe

house_poly <- cadastertools::get_nearest_polygon(town_data, adress_data$longitude, adress_data$latitude)


Gets the shape of the sf_dataframe that intersects the given polygon used to get the polygons corresponding to the same adress of other layers of the cadaster

town_data_parcelle <- cadastertools::json_to_sf(cadastertools::download_cadaster(adress_data$citycode, layer = "parcelles"))

house_parcelle_poly <- cadastertools::get_parent_polygon(house_poly, town_data_parcelle)


Computes the area of a list of Single Feature geometries

area <- cadastertools::get_area(house_poly)


Creates polygon from coordinate list

peloyeje/cadastertools documentation built on May 19, 2019, 3:02 a.m.