Man pages for pensoft/ropenbio
R Package of the Open Biodiveristy Knowledge Management System

abstractAbstract Constructor
AbstractAbstract: uri:...
AddressTo specify the components of the delivery address for the...
alt_labelSKOS Alternative Label
AnonRDFCreate a list of RDF statements that all share the same blank...
Articlean article in a science journal Feed to Dataframe Converter
authorAuthor constructor
BibResourcean article in a science journal
binomializeBinomialize Taxonomic Name
bolddatacite bold
bold_genbank_serializerSerialization of BOLD record ids/BINS/Genbank ids in...
boldsystemsdatacite boldsystems
check_download_statusCheck Download Status of Plazi Treatment
checklistChecklist Section Constructor
creatorCreator (Author)
crosslinkerDEPRECATED Crosslinker extracts external identifiers within...
dc_titleDC Elements Title
diagnosisDiagnosis Section Constructor
discussionDiscussion Section Constructor
distributionDistribution Section Constructor
dwc_authorshipDwc Authorshiop
dwc_classDwc class
dwc_familyDwc order
dwc_genusDwc genus
dwc_kingdomDwc Kingdom
dwc_orderDwc order
dwc_phylumDwc Phylum
dwc_species_epDwc genus
dwc_subgenusDwc genus
dwc_subspecies_epDwc genus
eissne-Issn property
exact_matchSKOS exact match
ExpressionCollectionan article in a science journal
FigureFigure: uri: <> comment: a...
find_atomsSimpler version of find literals
find_literalsFinds the Atoms in a XML Node
frbr_parte-Issn property
gbif_datasetdatacite gbif dataset
gbif_taxonomy_mappingMaps ScNames from xmls to ScNames from GBIF
genbankdatacite genbank
generate_aria2c_inputGenerate 'aria2c' Input
get_or_set_obkms_idNOT USED ANYMORE Get the OBKMS Id of an XML node, if not set,...
get_scientific_name_or_tclGet the Label (Monimial, Bionomial, or Trinomial Name, or...
has_affiliationHas Affiliation
has_contentCreator (Author)
has_doiHas a DOI
has_emailHas email
has_issueHas Issue
has_keywordHas Keyword
has_publisherHas a Publisher
has_publisher_idHas a Publisher
has_scientific_nameHas Scientific Name
has_secundum_stringSecundum string
has_taxonomic_rankDwc Rank
has_taxonomic_rank_idDwc IRI Rank
has_taxonomic_statusDwc Status
has_taxonomic_status_idDwc IRI Status
has_verbatim_rankDwc Verbatim Rank
has_zoobankHas Zoobank
helloHello, World!
institutional_codeInstitutional Code
IntroductionIntroduction: uri:>...
introduction_sectionIntroduction Section Constructor
is.AnonRDFIs the object an Anonymous Triples List (RDF)?
is_contained_byCreator (Author)
is.errorDid you return an error?
is.ResourceDescriptionFrameworkIs the object an Triples List (RDF)?
issnIssn property
Journala science journal
keyword_groupKeyword Group Constructor
KeywordGroupKeyword Group
mentionsHabitatmentions habitat
node_extractorNode Extractor
NomenclatureNomenclature the informational content of an article
NomenclatureCitationNom Citation the informational content of an article
NomenclatureCitationsListNom Citations the informational content of an article
orciddatacite orcid
PaperPaper the informational content of an article
params2stringConverts a List of Parameters to a URL GET String
parent_idGet the Parent OBKS Id for an XML Node
pensoft_article_elocPensoft Article E-Location
pensoft_imagesPensoft Links for Images of a Given Pensoft Paper
PersonalIdentifierPersonal Identifier
plazidatacite plazi
plazi_feedPlazi Feed Constructor
plazi_feed_schemaPlazi Feed
plazi_imagesRetrieve Links for Images of a Given Treatment
plazi_intPlazi Internal
pref_labelSKOS Preferred Label
processing_statusFind (Re-)Processing Status
qlookup_author1Looks up an author's ID by his or her email.
qlookup_by_labelLook Up Anything by Label
qlookup_by_label_in_contextLook Up Anything by Label In Context
qlookup_by_label_no_contextLook Up Anything by Label No Context
qlookup_by_sciname_no_contextLook Up by Scientific Name by Label No Context
qlookup_paper_idLookup Paper ID Query
qlookup_taxonomic_concept_idLookup the Taxonomic Concept of a Treatment
RdfLibBackendRDF Class with 'rdflib' backend
realizationRealization Of
realization_ofRealization Of
regularize_taxonomic_namesRegularize Taxonomic Names in an XML Document (Generic)
regularize_taxonomic_names.taxonxRegularize Plazi XML
regularize_taxonomic_names.taxpubRegularize Taxonomic Names in an XML Document (TaxPub)
remove_all_tagsStrips all XML tags
remove_plazi_metadataRemove Plazi Metadata from Taxonomic Names
remove_taxpub_markupRemove TaxPub markup (Generic)
ResourceDescriptionFrameworkMutable RDF Object
ResourceIdentifierResource Identifier
Rolea role of agent in time
rootGet the Root (Article) OBKMS Id for an XML Node
ropenbioropenbio: R Package Accompanying the Open Biodiversity...
ScientificNameScientific Name
set_obkmsNOT USED ANYMORE Set the OBKMS ID of an XML node according to...
standard_injectorStandard injector. Sets the id from the XPATH
TaxonomicConceptTaxonomic Concept the informational content of an article
taxonomic_keyTaxonomic Key Section Constructor
titleTitle Constructor
TitleTitle: uri: <> comment: the...
TreatmentTreatment Section
treatment_languageGet Plazi Treatment Language
underscore_taxonomic_namesUnderscore Taxonimic Names in an XML Document Object
unescape_htmlUnescpae HTML Characters
verbstat2openbiodivConverts a Verbatim Status to a Controlled Vocabulary
Worka creative or scientific work
xml2nactemConvert an XML File to Plain Text NaCTeM Format
xml2rdfRDF-ization of a Single XML File
XmlSchemaXML Node Schema
zenodeo_fetch_idsFetches BLR Record Id's From Zenodo via Zenodeo
zenododatacite zenodo
zoobankdatacite zoobank
pensoft/ropenbio documentation built on Dec. 17, 2020, 5:50 a.m.