discrimPwr: Sensory discrimination power analysis

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discrimPwrR Documentation

Sensory discrimination power analysis


Computes the power of a difference or similarity test for a sensory discrimination experiment using the binomial distribution. d.primePwr is a convenience function that calls discrimPwr but has arguments in terms of d-prime rather than pd, the probability of discrimination.


discrimPwr(pdA, pd0 = 0, sample.size, alpha = 0.05, pGuess = 1/2,
           test = c("difference", "similarity"),
           statistic = c("exact", "normal", "cont.normal"))

d.primePwr(d.primeA, d.prime0 = 0, sample.size, alpha = 0.05,
           method = c("duotrio", "tetrad", "threeAFC", "twoAFC",
             "triangle", "hexad", "twofive", "twofiveF"),
           double = FALSE,
           test = c("difference", "similarity"),
           statistic = c("exact", "normal", "cont.normal"))



the probability of discrimination for the model under the alternative hypothesis; scalar between zero and one


d-prime for the model under the alternative hypothesis; non-negative numerical scalar


the probability of discrimination under the null hypothesis; scalar between zero and one


d-prime under the null hypothesis; non-negative numerical scalar


the sample size; a scalar positive integer


the type I level of the test; scalar between zero and one


the discrimination protocol for which the power should be computed


should the 'double' variant of the discrimination protocol be used? Logical scalar. Currently not implemented for "twofive", "twofiveF", and "hexad".


the guessing probability for the discrimination protocol, e.g. 1/2 for duo-trio and 2-AFC, 1/3 for triangle, tetrad and 3-AFC, 1/10 for two-out-of-five and hexad and 2/5 for two-out-of-five with forgiveness; scalar between zero and one


the type of one-sided binomial test (direction of the alternative hypothesis): "difference" corresponds "greater" and "similarity" corresponds to "less"


should power determination be based on the 'exact' binomial test, the normal approximation to this, or the normal approximation with continuity correction?


The power of the standard one-tailed difference test where the null hypothesis is "no difference" is obtained with pd0 = 0.

The probability under the null hypothesis is given by pd0 + pg * (1 - pd0) where pg is the guessing probability pGuess. Similarly, the probability of the alternative hypothesis is given by pdA + pg * (1 - pdA)


The power; a numerical scalar.


Rune Haubo B Christensen and Per Bruun Brockhoff


Brockhoff, P.B. and Christensen, R.H.B (2010). Thurstonian models for sensory discrimination tests as generalized linear models. Food Quality and Preference, 21, pp. 330-338.

Bi, J. (2001) The double discrimination methods. Food Quality and Preference, 12, pp. 507-513.

See Also

findcr, discrim, discrimSim, AnotA, discrimSS


## Finding the power of a discrimination test with d-prime = 1,
## a sample of size 30 and a type I level of .05:
pd <- coef(rescale(d.prime = 1, method = "twoAFC"))$pd
discrimPwr(pd, sample.size = 30)
d.primePwr(1, sample.size = 30, method = "twoAFC")
## Obtaining the equivalent normal approximation with and without
## continuity correction:
discrimPwr(pd, sample.size = 30, statistic = "cont.normal")
discrimPwr(pd, sample.size = 30, statistic = "normal")

# Example from Bi (2001) with n=100 and 35 correct answers in a 
# double duotrio test:
p1 <- 0.35
# Estimate of d-prime quoted by Bi(2001) was 1.06:
dp <- psyinv(p1, method="duotrio", double=TRUE) 
# Power using normal approximation w/o continuity adjustment quoted by Bi(2001):
d.primePwr(dp, sample.size = 100, method="duotrio", 
           double=TRUE, stat="normal") # 0.73
# d.primePwr(dp, sample.size = 100, method="duotrio", double=TRUE, 
#            stat="cont.normal")

# Power of exact test:
d.primePwr(dp, sample.size = 100, method="duotrio", 
           double=TRUE, stat="exact") # 0.697

## A similarity example:
discrimPwr(pdA = 0.1, pd0 = 0.2, sample.size = 100, pGuess = 1/3,
           test = "similarity")

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