ref_get: Call the REF Impact Case Studies API

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ref_getR Documentation

Call the REF Impact Case Studies API


This function calls the REF Impact Case Studies API, and returns the dataset as a tibble. See the vignette for more details about how to use this function.


ref_get(api_method, tag_type = NULL, query = NULL)



text, the API method you wish to call. Valid methods are summarised below, and documented on the REF Impact Case Studies website linked above, as well as in the vignette.


integer, for ListTagValues method only. This is the ID of the tag type you wish to retrieve. See example usage below.


list, search parameters for use with the SearchCaseStudies method. See example usage below.


Details about the API can be found at


Returns a tibble with nested data frames. To access the nested data frames, subset the tibble using the [[]] syntax. For more information, see the vignette.

Valid API methods

  • ListInstitutions (no arguments)

  • ListTagTypes (no arguments)

  • ListTagValues (tag_type is a compulsory argument)

  • ListUnitsOfAssessment (no arguments)

  • SearchCaseStudies (query is a compulsory argument - see below)

SearchCaseStudies query argument

This argument is used to pass search parameters through to the API. These parameters are passed as a named list, and you must provide at least one parameter for this method. There are 5 parameters:

  • ID - Takes a single ID or a vector of IDs. If you use this parameter you cannot use any of the other 4 parameters.

  • UKPRN (UK Provider Reference Number) - takes a single UKPRN. You can get a list of valid values using the ListInstitutions method.

  • UoA - This is a code referencing a Unit of Assessment, and you can get a list of valid values from the ListUnitsOfAssessment method. Takes a single UoA.

  • tags - This is one or more codes referencing tags from the ListTagValues method. When multiple tags are provided to the search method, it will only return rows which contain both tags. To help you discover tags that you can use here, you can look at the ref_tags dataset (bundled with this package)

  • phrase - You can search the database using a text query. The query must conform to Lucene search query syntax.

For more information about how to use these parameters, see the vignette.


institutions <- ref_get("ListInstitutions")
units_of_assessment <- ref_get("ListUnitsOfAssessment")
tag_types <- ref_get("ListTagTypes")
tag_type_5 <- ref_get("ListTagValues", 5L)
ref_get("SearchCaseStudies", query = list(ID     = c(27121,1698)))
ref_get("SearchCaseStudies", query = list(UKPRN  = 10007777))
ref_get("SearchCaseStudies", query = list(UoA    = 5))
ref_get("SearchCaseStudies", query = list(tags   = c(11280, 5085)))
ref_get("SearchCaseStudies", query = list(phrase = "hello"))
ref_get("SearchCaseStudies", query = list(UKPRN  = 10007146, UoA = 3))

perrystephenson/refimpact documentation built on May 17, 2022, 8:31 p.m.