Man pages for petedodd/HEdtree
A Package For Decision Tree Modelling

appendResultsAppend a number of results to data
getABGet parameters for a beta distribution
getAQGet an arbitrary string for tree calculations
getLNparmsGet parameters for a log-normal distribution
GetNodeLabelLabelling utilities
hipntUtility function for extracting high point from bracketed...
ilogitInverse logit function
LabelFromDataAdd/edit tree labels
logitLogit function
lopntUtility function for extracting low point from bracketed...
makeOdinModelMaking Odin ODEs from tree
makePSAMake PSA data.table from parameter object
makeTestDataList parameters in model
makeTfunsMake functions to evaluate tree
MergeByNameMerge a tree onto another by node name
midpntUtility function for extracting midpoint from bracketed...
MSorg2treeText file to 'data.tree' tree
org2LoLEmacs org-mode file to list-of-lists
org2treeEmacs org-mode file to 'data.tree' tree
orgAns0Utility function for 'org2LoL'
parse.parmtableReading a parameter table and making utility functions
plotterA plotter for decision tree models
PruneByOutcomePrune Trees by Outcome
runningprobsAttach probabilities of reaching each node
savetreeplotDitch the top of tree on reading
showAllParmzList parameters in model
showParmzList parameters in model
simulateSimulate numbers on the tree
topDitch the top of tree on reading
tree2fileWrite a CSV tree with labels
trmUtility function to trim whitespace
txt2treeSimpler text file to tree
petedodd/HEdtree documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 1:18 a.m.