Man pages for peterkuriyama/ch4

add_probsFunction to predict prababilities for each sampled data set...
adjust_probsAdjust Cluster Probabilities Function to adjust cluster...
calc_bycatchCalculate Bycatch Function to calculate bycatch from sampled...
calc_comb_deltasCalculate Delta values for each vessel combination in each...
calc_ctac_revFunction to calculate catch-quota balancing and revenues...
calc_delta_plotCalculate values for delta plots Delta plots come from Gillis...
calc_deltas_sppCalculate Delta Species Function to Calculate delta plot...
calc_probsCalculate Probabilities Calculate probabilites based on type...
calc_skewCalculate skew of a catch distribution Function to calculate...
ch4_format_dataFormat the data based on whatever the input is Format the...
ch4_perm_testPermutation Test Function to conduct permutation test on...
change_twoFunction to change two things at once Function to change two...
clust_by_portCluster values by port Function to cluster values by port....
clust_scopeDefine scope of potential new clusters Function to define...
clust_towsCluster the data Funtion that returns cluster output. The...
compare_aicFunction to compare AIC and LL values
cut_for_mergeCut for merge Cut cluster data for merge with original data...
deg2radConvert degrees to radians Convert degrees to radians
fish_fleetFunction to resample averages for each vessel in a fleet
fish_tripFunction to conduct a fishing trip Function to conduct a...
fish_trip_simulationRun Fish Trip Simulation Function to run fish_trip...
fit_rumFit Random Utility model Fit Random Utility Model to data....
fleet_tripFunction to start some number of vessels in a number of...
format_rum_dataFunction to format RUM data Function calls mlogit
gcd_slcCalculate distance based on spherical law of cosines
get_aicFunction to calculate predictions and AIC values input a port...
get_choice_setGenerate Choice Set Generate Choice Set for Predictions
get_filenamesFunction to get filenames to read in model results
list_to_dfFunction to convert a list to dataframe ldply but gives...
load_coefsLoad coefficients function Function to load coefficients from...
load_tow_dataLoad Tow Data Load WC Logbook Data
one_tripFunction to conduct one trip One Trip Function
plot_clustsPlot Clusters Function to plot clusters
plot_pairsFunction to plot pairs of values Function to plot pairs of...
plot_pathsPlot fished clusters Function to plot the paths of vessels....
plot_profitsPlot Profits Function to plot profits associated with...
port_rumsport_rums function Function to run and save RUM data for 8...
pred_metricsPrediction Metrics Function that calculates metrics based on...
process_aicFunction to process AIC and LL values
process_coefficientsFunction to process coefficients
process_dummysProcess dummy variables Function to calculate revenues and...
process_dummys2Process dummy variables Function to calculate revenues and...
pull_catchFind catch from unique tows Function to count number of tows...
read_files_predictRead files and calculate model predictions Function to read...
resample_training_dataFunction to resample tows given a training data set Take...
rum_dataFormat Data for Random Utility Model Function to format data...
rum_probsrum_probs Function Function to format rum data, fit models,...
run_six_yearsRun Six Years Function Run six years of model with different...
sample_catchesFunction to run the catch resampling Order of functions is:...
sampled_rumsFormat RUM data base on resampled tows Function calls mlogit
sampled_rums_clustFormat RUM data base on resampled tows Function calls mlogit
sample_haulsFunction to Sample Hauls Function to Sample Hauls
sample_towsSample Tows Function to sample tows from logbook data
simple_permuteFunction for simple permutations
spp_corrsCalculate Bycatch Function to calculate catch correlations...
spp_deltsFunction to calculate deltas for species spp_delts
summarize_catchSummarize catch Function to take haul_id, and count the...
training_dataSample dataset for generating predictions Function calls...
values_for_probsValues for probability calculations Function to format values...
when_spp_deltaFunction to calculate values for delta plots Skew and...
year_spp_deltaFunction to calculate values for delta plots Skew and...
peterkuriyama/ch4 documentation built on June 18, 2021, 9:59 a.m.