
# #' function that takes a crossword and renders it as PDF
# #'
# #' @param cw a crossword object
# #' @param fname defaults to NULL --> tempfile;
# #'              the file name to render crossword into
# #'
# #' @export
# #'
# cw_to_pdf <- function(cw, fname = NULL){
#   # process fname input
#   if( is.null(fname) )  {
#     dir.create("rendering", showWarnings = FALSE)
#     fname <- "rendering/crossword.tex"
#   }
#   # fnames
#   fname_pdf <- stringr::str_replace(fname, "\\.\\w+$", ".pdf")
#   fname_tex <- stringr::str_replace(fname, "\\.\\w+$", ".tex")
#   # glue together latex document
#   latex <-
#     c(
#       cw_glue_head(cw),
#       cw_glue_puzzle(cw),
#       cw_glue_clues(cw),
#       cw_glue_solution(cw),
#       cw_glue_clues(cw)
#     )
#   # write latex document to disk
#   writeLines(latex, fname_tex, useBytes = TRUE)
#   # render latex document
#   system2(
#     command = "pdflatex",
#     args    = paste0(fname_tex,   " -output-directory ", dirname(fname_pdf))
#   )
#   # return path to pdf
#   return(fname_pdf)
# }
petermeissner/crossword documentation built on May 19, 2019, 8:23 a.m.