Man pages for petermeissner/unikonstanzmensabot
Tools to handle a simple Twitter canteen bot for Uni Konstanz Mensa

db_connectfunction for connectiong to db
db_disconnectfunction for disconnecting from db
db_ensure_table_existsfunction for ensuring that a particular table exists in db
db_get_dish_datafunction for retrieving data from dishes table in db
db_get_request_datafunction for retrieving data from requests table in db
db_get_tweet_datafunction for retrieving data from tweets table in db
db_pathfunction for determining the path to the db used for storage
evenfunction giving back elements with even index
gen_tweetsfunction for generating tweets
get_additivesfunction translating additive numbers into description
helloHello, World!
httr_content_as_listfunction for making lists with prefixed names
mensaplanwrapper function for get_mensaplan() and parse_mensaplan
mp_data_retrievalfunction for managing data retrieval downloads data (if...
mp_http_postfunction POSTing HTTP requests to data server
oddfunction giving back elements with odd index
print.mensaplancustomized print function for mensaplan data.frames
request_to_dishfunction parsing data retrieved
storagestorage for unikonstanzmensabot infos
petermeissner/unikonstanzmensabot documentation built on May 25, 2019, 2:08 a.m.