bib2acad-package: bib2acad: Converting Bibtex Records to .md Files for the Hugo...

Description Required parameters Optional parameters Easiest usage


bib2acad takes a .bib file and generates for each bib record a .md file. The name of the .md file is generated from the year and entry field. It has the format

Required parameters

The only function of this package is bib2acad() The bib2acad function needs one parameter.

bibfile: A string to the path of the .bib file ("path/to/bibfile")

Optional parameters

The bib2acad function has three optional parameters

copybib: TRUE or FALSE, default = TRUE. Should .bib files generated?

abstract: TRUE or FALSE, default = TRUE. Should abstracts also added to the .md files?

overwrite: TRUE or FALSE, default = FALSE. Should .md files with the same name overwritten? If .bib files are also created, then this parameter applies to .bib files as well.

Easiest usage

Put your .bib file on the top level of your project directory and call bib2acad("<your-bibfilename>.bib")

This generates two folders my-md-folder and my-bib-folder into a tempory directory where the two types of generated files will be generated.

To learn more about bib2acad, see the 'usage' vignette with vignette("usage", package = "bib2acad").

petzi53/bib2acad documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:39 a.m.