Man pages for phettegger/randRotation
Random Rotation Methods for High Dimensional Data with Batch Structure

contrastModelCreate transformed model matrix for contrast rotation
dimDimensions of an Object
dimnamesDimnames of an Object
fdr_pInternal functions for p-value and FDR estimation
initBatchRandrot-classInitialised random rotation batch object
initRandrotInitialisation of a random rotation Object
initRandrot-classInitialised random rotation class
initRandrotWInternal function
pFdrCalculate resampling based p-values and FDRs
qqunifQuantile-Quantile plot of data sample against uniform...
randorthRandom orthogonal matrix
randpermutGenerate random permutation matrix for n samples
randrotRandom rotation of initialised object
randRotation-defunctDefunct functions in package 'randRotation'
randRotation-packagerandRotation: Random Rotation Methods for High Dimensional...
rotateStatGenerate data rotations and calculate statistics on it
rotateStat-classRotated object containing rotated and non-rotated statistics
showShow an Object
weightsExtract model weights
X_decompDecomposition of the design matrix for random rotation...
phettegger/randRotation documentation built on April 10, 2023, 7:25 p.m.