Man pages for philferriere/mscstexta4r
R Client for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Text Analytics REST API

mscstexta4rR Client for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Text Analytics...
textaThe 'texta' object
textaDetectLanguagesDetects the languages used in documents.
textaDetectTopicsDetects the top topics in a group of text documents.
textaDetectTopicsStatusRetrieves the status of a topic detection operation submitted...
textaInitInitializes the 'mscstexta4r' package.
textaKeyPhrasesReturns the key talking points in sentences or documents.
textaSentimentAssesses the sentiment of sentences or documents.
textatopicsThe 'textatopics' object
philferriere/mscstexta4r documentation built on May 25, 2019, 5:03 a.m.