pinhooker: pinhooker: Global Thoroughbred Bloodstock Sales Data.

Description pinhooker functions


The pinhooker package provides a ready to use data set, in the form of a CSV file, for a global collection of thoroughbred bloodstock sales since 2009. Also included are functions and scripts in order to collate custom data sets, for example from a specific vendor, year or sale. Data has been normalised across vendors in order to generate consistent data sets.

pinhooker functions

The pinhooker functions are as follows, and generally correspond directly with a specific bloodstock sale company:

getGoffs: download historic sales data for Goffs and Goffs DBS getArqana: download historic sales data for Arqana getBBAG: download historic sales data for Baden-Badener Auktionsgesellschaft getTatts: download historic sales data for Tattersalls and Tattersalls Ireland

See individual function help text for further details

phillc73/pinhooker documentation built on Feb. 18, 2021, 9:21 p.m.