Man pages for philliplab/mochModelData
Data for the mother child model

AbusedCondomUsageRatesThe condom usage probabilities in presence of abuse
AbusedDepressionRatesThe depression probabilities in presence of abuse
AbuseRatesThe abuse probabilities
coerce_ABUSE_DEP_to_nice_stringConverts the processed Abuse and Depression rates into nice...
coerce_condom_usage_to_nice_stringConverts the processed Condom Usage rates into nice strings.
coerce_EXCEL_col_header_to_dfMaps the column headers used in the "child outcomes...
DepressionAbuseRatesThe depression probabilities in presence of abuse
DepressionNoAbuseRatesThe depression probabilities in absence of abuse
DropOutRatesThe dropout probabilities
format_AbusedDepressionRatesFormats the AbusedDepressionRates into formats the ModGen can...
format_AbuseRatesFormats the AbuseRates into formats the ModGen can use.
format_CondomUsageRatesFormats the CondomUsageRates into formats the ModGen can use....
format_DebutRatesFormats the Debut Rates into formats the ModGen can use....
format_DepressionAbuseRatesFormats the DepressionAbuseRates into formats the ModGen can...
format_DepressionNoAbuseRatesFormats the DepressionNoAbuseRates into formats the ModGen...
format_DropOutRatesFormats the DropOutRates into formats that modgen can use
format_NotAbusedDepressionRatesFormats the NotAbusedDepressionRates into formats the ModGen...
mochModelDataData for the mother child model
NotAbusedCondomUsageRatesThe condom usage probabilities in absence of abuse
NotAbusedDebutRatesThe incidence of sexual debut at early ages in the absence of...
NotAbusedDepressionRatesThe depression probabilities in absence of abuse
philliplab/mochModelData documentation built on May 25, 2019, 5:06 a.m.