Man pages for phillydao/deidentify
De-identifies Data for Public Release

deidentify_choices_tableMake a data.frame showing either the outcome (k-score) of all...
deidentify_dataDe-identify data through encrypting text columns, grouping...
deidentify_textmethods to deidentify different forms of data
gen_aes_keyGenerate aes or libsodium key
gen_sodium_keyGenerate sodium key
get_choices_codeProduces the code to deidentify the data using...
graph_aggregate_datesCreate a barplot showing the number of unique dates at each...
graph_group_rare_valuesGraph effect of dropping "rare" values from a vector of data
identify_textdecrypt data using a cyphr key
initiationsCook County Initiations Data
make_deidentify_choices_reportProduce a PDF showing tables of possible de-identification...
make_k_scoreMake k score out of de-identified data
pipePipe operator
phillydao/deidentify documentation built on Feb. 4, 2021, 2:31 p.m.