return.level.numeric: Calculation of the return levels.

View source: R/extremes.R

return.level.numericR Documentation

Calculation of the return levels.


Calculate arbitrary return levels and their error estimates for generalized extreme value (GEV) and generalized Pareto (GP) distributions.


## S3 method for class 'numeric'
return.level(x, return.period = 100,
  error.estimation = c("none", "MC", "MLE", "bootstrap"),
  model = c("gev", "gpd"), monte.carlo.sample.size = 100,
  bootstrap.sample.size = 100, threshold = NULL, total.length = NULL,
  thresholded.time.series = NULL, extreme.type = c("max", "min"),
  silent = FALSE, mc.cores = NULL)



Of class numeric.


Numeric vector of the return periods in years. Default = 100.


The estimation of the fitting error is only for input argument of the class or Else the correct scaling of the can not be assured.


String determining whether to calculate the initial parameters of the GEV ("gev") or GP ("gpd") function. Default = "gev"


Number of samples used to obtain the Monte Carlo estimate of the standard error of the fitting. Default = 100.


Number of samples with replacements to drawn from the original series x in order to determine the standard errors for the GEV/GP parameters and return levels. Default = 100.


Optional threshold for the GP model. If present it will be added to the return level to produce a value which fits to underlying time series. Default = NULL.


Total number of observations in the time series the exceedance were obtained from (before! applying the threshold). This argument is needed to calculate the standard error of the return level via the delta method of the MLE in the GP model. Default = NULL.


Time series used with fit.gpd on which already a threshold (the one supplied here as well) was applied. Necessary to transform the return level for numerical input and the GP model from m-th observation return level to annual return level. If omitted the return level will be per observation. Default = NULL.


String indicating whether to calculate the quantiles at the right ("max") or left ("min") side of the PDF of the series. Default = "max".


Throws an warning whenever the "gpd" model is used and the thresholded.time.series is not supplied. Since this can be annoying one can also disable it. Default = FALSE.


A numerical input specifying the number of cores to use for the multi core application of the function (see detectCores). This functionality is only available if the input is a list of different objects. If NULL, the function will be calculated classically with only one core. Default = NULL.


Uses the rlevd function at its core (a port from the extRemes package) but is also capable of calculating numerous return levels at once, and also calculates the errors of the return levels. For the errors the ML fit is using the option hessian=TRUE (if not done already) or uses a Monte Carlo based approach. If no fitting object is provided, no errors will be calculated.


A list containing the estimates "return.level" and their standard errors "error" if the input was a fitting object or a numerical input.

See Also

Other extremes: block.list, block.xts, block, decluster.list, decluster.xts, decluster, extremal.index, gev.density, gpd.density, qevd,,, return.level.list, return.level, revd, rlevd, threshold.list, threshold.xts, threshold,,, upper.limit.list, upper.limit.numeric, upper.limit


fit.results <- fit.gev( block( anomalies( temp.potsdam ) ) )
return.level( fit.results, return.period = c( 10, 50, 100 ),
              error.estimation = "MLE" )

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