  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

You probably only need to use two functions from this package: read_ods and write_ods.

Write the data PlantGrowth (from the built-in datasets package) as a new file plant.ods in the current working directory of the user's session.

write_ods(PlantGrowth, "plant.ods")

You can then read it back from plant.ods


Update and Append

You can append another sheet into an existing ods file with the sheet name being "mtcars_ods".

write_ods(mtcars, "plant.ods", sheet = "mtcars_ods", append = TRUE)

Read from a specific sheet. Notice row names are missing.

read_ods("plant.ods", sheet = "mtcars_ods")

You can also integer for sheet, e.g. 2 for the second sheet.

read_ods("plant.ods", sheet = 2)

Update an existing sheet and preserve row names

write_ods(mtcars, "plant.ods", sheet = "mtcars_ods", update = TRUE, row_names = TRUE)

Notice the information from the sheet mtcars_ods is updated.

read_ods("plant.ods", sheet = "mtcars_ods")

Read from a specific range

read_ods("plant.ods", sheet = "mtcars_ods", range = "A1:C10")

You cannot append to an existing sheet.

write_ods(iris, "plant.ods", sheet = "mtcars_ods", append = TRUE)

You cannot update a missing sheet.

write_ods(iris, "plant.ods", sheet = "iris", update = TRUE)

Writing multiple sheets simultaneously

It is much faster to write data frames into the same file by putting them in a (named) list.

write_ods(list("iris" = iris, "plant" = PlantGrowth), "plant_multi.ods")
read_ods("plant_multi.ods", sheet = "plant")

Flat ODS files (.xml or .fods)

Can be read with read_ods() [^1] (note that the same function is used to read flat files, no matter the extension). This has the same behaviour and arguments as read_ods()


write_ods() can be used to write Flat ODS files

write_ods(PlantGrowth, "plant.fods")


Use the function list_ods_sheets() to list out all sheets in an (F)ODS file.


readODS 2.0.0

Starting from 2.0.0, write_ods writes NA as empty by default.

PlantGrowth2 <- tibble::as_tibble(PlantGrowth)
PlantGrowth2[1,1] <- NA
PlantGrowth2$group <- as.character(PlantGrowth2$group)

## NA is preseved; weight is still <dbl>

If you want NA to be written literally as the string "NA", use na_as_string. You should literally see the string "NA" when the file is opened with LibreOffice, for example.

But the string "NA" messes up the automatic type inference of read_ods.

## NA is preseved; but weight is now <chr>
read_ods(write_ods(PlantGrowth2, na_as_string = TRUE))

Of course you can fix this by specifying col_types.

## NA is preseved; but weight is now <chr>
read_ods(write_ods(PlantGrowth2, na_as_string = TRUE),
         col_types = readr::cols(weight = readr::col_double()))

Several functions were removed in readODS 2.0.0. Please consider the API of readODS mature and there should not be any breaking change until readODS 3.0.0.


Please use list_ods_sheets(path = "plant.ods") instead.

## ods_sheets("plant.ods")

get_num_sheets_in_ods and getNrOfSheetsInODS

Please use list_ods_sheets



Please use read_ods. In order to emulate the behaviours of read.ods, the followings are recommended

## read.ods from 1.6 to 1.8
read_ods("plant.ods", col_names = FALSE, skip = 0, na = NULL, col_types = NA, as_tibble = FALSE)
## read.ods older than 1.6
       function(x) read_ods(path = "plant.ods", sheet = x, col_names = FALSE, skip = 0, na = NULL, col_types = NA, as_tibble = FALSE))

[^1]: read_fods() and list_fods_sheets() are also available. But since version 2.2.0 read_ods() and list_ods_sheets() can determine whether the file at the path argument is flat or not.

phonixor/readODS documentation built on April 19, 2024, 9:50 p.m.