

|category |symbol |description |unit |reference | |:--------------|:------------------|:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:---------------------------------|:-----------------| |Genotype |TDE1 |Temperature sum to floral initiation |$°C.d$ |[@Lecoeur2011] | |Genotype |TDF1 |Temperature sum from emergence to the beginning of flowering |$°C.d$ |[@Lecoeur2011] | |Genotype |TDM0 |Temperature sum from emergence to the beginning of grain filling |$°C.d$ |[@Lecoeur2011] | |Genotype |TDM3 |Temperature sum from emergence to seed physiological maturity |$°C.d$ |[@Lecoeur2011] | |Genotype |TLN |Potential number of leaves at flowering |$leaf$ |[@Lecoeur2011] | |Genotype |LLH |Potential rank of the plant largest leaf at flowering |$leaf$ |[@Lecoeur2011] | |Genotype |LLS |Potential area of the plant largest leaf at flowering |$cm^{-2}$ |[@Lecoeur2011] | |Genotype |K |Light extinction coefficient during vegetative growth |- |[@Lecoeur2011] | |Genotype |LE |Threshold for leaf expansion response to water stress |- |[@Casadebaig2008] | |Genotype |TR |Threshold for stomatal conductance response to water stress |- |[@Casadebaig2008] | |Genotype |HI |Potential harvest index |- |[@Casadebaig2011] | |Genotype |OC |Potential seed oil content |$\% dry mass$ |[@Casadebaig2011] | |Environment |file |Climate file path |- |NA | |Environment |root_depth |Potential rooting depth |$mm$ |[@Lecoeur2011] | |Environment |field_capacity_1 |Water content at field capacity (0-30 cm) |$\%$ |NA | |Environment |wilting_point_1 |Water content at wilting point (0-30cm) |$\%$ |NA | |Environment |field_capacity_2 |Water content at field capacity (30 cm-rooting depth) |$\%$ |NA | |Environment |wilting_point_2 |Water content at wilting point (30 cm-rooting depth) |$\%$ |NA | |Environment |soil_density_1 |Soil bulk density, sieved < 5mm, 0-30cm layer |$^{-3}$ |NA | |Environment |soil_density_2 |Soil bulk density, sieved < 5mm, 30 cm-rooting depth layer |$^{-3}$ |NA | |Environment |stone_content |Stone content (0-rooting depth) |$[0,1]$ |NA | |Environment |mineralization |Potential nitrogen mineralization rate |$kg.ha^{-1}.day^{-1}$ |[@Vale2007] | |Management |crop_sowing |Sowing date |$date (dd/mm)$ |NA | |Management |crop_harvest |Harvest date |$date (dd/mm)$ |NA | |Management |crop_density |Plant density |$plant.m^{-2}$ |NA | |Management |nitrogen_date_1 |Fertilization (date 1) |$date (dd/mm)$ |NA | |Management |nitrogen_dose_1 |Fertilization (amount 1) |$kg.ha^{-1}$ eq. mineral nitrogen |NA | |Management |nitrogen_date_2 |Fertilization (date 2) |$date (dd/mm)$ |NA | |Management |nitrogen_dose_2 |Fertilization (amount 2) |$kg.ha^{-1}$ eq. mineral nitrogen |NA | |Management |water_date_1 |Irrigation (date 1) |$date (dd/mm)$ |NA | |Management |water_dose_1 |Irrigation (amount 1) |$mm$ |NA | |Management |water_date_2 |Irrigation (date 2) |$date (dd/mm)$ |NA | |Management |water_dose_2 |Irrigation (amount 2) |$mm$ |NA | |Management |water_date_3 |Irrigation (date 3) |$date (dd/mm)$ |NA | |Management |water_dose_3 |Irrigation (amount 3) |$mm$ |NA | |Initialization |begin |Date for simulation start |$date (dd/mm/aaaa)$ |NA | |Initialization |duration |Duration of the simulation |$day$ |NA | |Initialization |crop_emergence |Date for emergence, which can also be simulated (default) |$date (dd/mm)$ |NA | |Initialization |nitrogen_initial_1 |Initial value for nitrogen residuals in surface layer (0-30 cm) |$kg.ha^{-1}$ eq. mineral nitrogen |NA | |Initialization |nitrogen_initial_2 |Initial value for nitrogen residuals in root layer (30 cm-rooting depth) |$kg.ha^{-1}$ eq. mineral nitrogen |NA | |Initialization |water_initial_1 |Intial value for soil gravimetric water content in surface layer (0-30 cm) |$\%$ |NA | |Initialization |water_initial_2 |Intial value for soil gravimetric water content in root layer (30 cm-rooting depth) |$\%$ |NA |


picasa/rsunflo documentation built on Nov. 17, 2022, 6:55 p.m.