Man pages for pierrecattin/thesis-resources
Thesis Resources

combine.forecastsCombine Forecasts Combine forecasts of various classifiers...
compute.indicatorsCompute Indicators Computes technical indicators based on...
compute.lagged.retCompute lagged returns Compute lagged return each day up to a...
compute.price.directionCompute Price Direction Computes a variable describing the... Compute Price Direction from close to close...
confidence.boundConfidence Bound
evaluate.modelDEPRECATED: Compute performance metrics over all min probs
evaluate.predictionsEvaluate predictions performance against true label
freqacc.byset.byhoriz.plotFrequency vs accuracy of prediction for all 3 sets and all...
freq.adjusted.accuracyFrequency adjusted accuracy
freq.vs.accuracy.multiplotFrequency vs accuracy of prediction for all 3 samples
freq.vs.accuracy.plotPlot frequency vs accuracy of prediction. Single plot
get.acc.freqGet accuracy and frequency for all minimum supports training/dev/test test
metric.exp.srMetric expected SR
metric.mean.accuracyMetric mean accuracy across min probs
perf.metricPerformance Metric
roc.byset.byhoriz.plotFrequency vs accuracy of prediction for all 3 sets and all...
train.nnTrain feed-forward ANN
pierrecattin/thesis-resources documentation built on May 4, 2019, 8:42 a.m.