Man pages for piersharding/RMonet
MonetDB SQL client interface for R

RMonetCloseMonetDB Close database connections
RMonetCommitexecute a COMMIT transaction call
RMonetConnectRMonet Open Connections to the database
RMonetExecuteExecute SQL against MonetDB
RMonetExistsCheck table exists
RMonetGetInfoget connection details to MonetDB
RMonetIsConnectedCheck connection to MonetDB
RMonetListFieldsList the fields of a table
RMonetListTablesList tables
RMonetLoadDataFrameLoad a data.frame into a MonetDB table
RMonet-packageMonetDB SQL Interface
RMonetQueryQuery MonetDB using SQL
RMonetQuoteQuote escape a string ready for SQL input
RMonetRollbackexecute a ROLLBACK transaction call
RMonetStartTransactionStart a SQL transaction
RMonetUnQuoteUnquote an SQL encoded string
piersharding/RMonet documentation built on May 25, 2019, 6:09 a.m.