Man pages for pieterov/generaltoolbox
General toolbox by Pieter Overdevest

f_as_dateConvert string to date.
f_as_integerConvert string columns to integer columns.
f_calculate_std_errorCalculate standard error
f_check_col_not_emptyCheck whether column is empty
f_check_cols_not_emptyCheck whether columns are unique
f_check_cols_not_zeroCheck whether columns are not zero
f_check_cols_presentCheck whether columns are present
f_check_cols_uniqueCheck whether columns are unique
f_check_col_uniqueCheck whether column is unique
f_clean_up_header_namesClean up header names
f_compare_two_vectorsCompare two vectors
f_define_col_typeDefine column types
f_distanceCalculate distances
f_download_file_from_google_driveDownload file from Google Drive
f_geom_pointPlot geom point
f_get_filenames_in_folderGet names and information on files in folder
f_get_latest_fileGet latest file
f_gs_col_numberGet number of columns in Google Sheet
f_gs_row_numberGet number of rows in Google Sheet
f_gs_urlGet URL to Google Sheet
f_infoPrint basic statistics on vector or data frame with elements
f_install_package_from_cranInstall latest packages from CRAN
f_install_package_from_githubInstall last version of package on GitHub
f_interpolateInterpolate between points
f_is_sameAre values in two vectors/columns the same.
f_is_uniqueCheck whether column is unique
f_kablePrint Kable in R-Markdown
f_lapplyApply function to list of items
f_move_filesMove (or copy) files between folders
f_namesGive names of data frame.
f_object_sizeCalculate object size
f_ocr_table_data_from_pdfOCR table data from PDF
f_pasteConcatenate items in vector
f_paste_regexConcatenate regex items in vector separated by "|"
f_plot_checkerboard_on_leafletPlot Checkerboard on Leaflet
f_plot_leafletPlot leaflet
f_reactableCreate reactable table in html document
f_read_data_from_fileRead data from file
f_render_quartoRender Quarto document
f_search_values_in_list_of_data_framesSearch values in list of data frames
f_send_slack_commentSend Slack Comment.
f_sourceSource latest file.
f_summarizeGive basic info on columns in data frame
f_tablePrepare 2D frequency table
f_uniqueReturn sorted unique elements
f_upload_file_to_google_driveUpload given file to Google Drive
f_vector_infoProvide information on vector
f_write_data_to_fileWrite data to file
f_write_data_to_file_mergedReads files, appends data and writes merged file
pieterov/generaltoolbox documentation built on Jan. 25, 2025, 10:32 a.m.