f_write_data_to_file: Write data to file

View source: R/f - Write data to file.R

f_write_data_to_fileR Documentation

Write data to file


Writes data to file.


  c.file.string = "Data Export",
  v.sheet.name = NULL,
  v.table.name = NULL,
  v.add.date = TRUE,
  v.add.time = FALSE,
  v.xls = FALSE,
  v.csv = FALSE,
  v.txt = FALSE,
  v.delim = FALSE,
  v.rds = FALSE,
  v.fst = FALSE,
  v.sqlite = FALSE,
  v.parquet = FALSE,
  v.xml = FALSE,
  c.delim = NULL,
  b.col.names = TRUE,
  b.append = FALSE,
  v.freeze.row = NULL,
  v.freeze.col = NULL,
  v.col.dark.blue = NULL,
  v.col.light.blue = NULL,
  v.col.green = NULL,
  v.col.purple = NULL,
  v.col.lila = NULL,
  v.col.orange = NULL,
  v.col.red = NULL,
  c.conditional.eval = NULL,
  c.conditional.color = "#ABB2B9",
  b.banded.rows = TRUE



Data frame or list of data frames to write to file.


Core of the filename. Optionally, you can add date and time through v.add.date and v.add.time (default: "Data Export").


Path where file(s) should be stored.


Vector with sheet names. This should be as long as x. Is relevant in case of xls, csv, txt, and delim (default: NULL).


Vector with sheet names. This should be as long as x. Is relevant in case of sqlite. (default: NULL).

v.add.date, v.add.time

Vector of booleans to specify whether date and/or time should be added. This should be as long as x (default: TRUE and FALSE, resp.).

v.xls, v.csv, v.txt, v.delim, v.rds, v.fst, v.sqlite, v.parquet, v.xml

Vector of booleans to specify whether object is saved in respective format. When provided, these vector should be as long as x. In case of xls and if x is a list of data frames, each data frame will be saved as a separate sheet in the workbook. In case you choose one of v.delim to be TRUE, you must specify c.delim. Note, fst is faster to read and write than rds, but the files are bigger. In case all are false the data will be saved as xls (default: FALSE).


Character used as delimiter. In case you choose this option, you must also set one of v.delim to TRUE (default: NULL).


Should header names be added. Note, this is only optional in case of csv, txt, and delim (default: TRUE).


Should data frame be appended to existing file? Note, this is only optional in case of csv, txt, and delim (default: FALSE).

v.freeze.row, v.freeze.col

Vector with number of rows and columns resp. to freeze in each data frame in x (default: NULL).

v.col.dark.blue, v.col.light.blue, v.col.green, v.col.purple, v.col.lila, v.col.orange, v.col.red

Vector with column numbers of which the first row - i.e., the header - should be colored by the respective color (default: NULL).


Conditional formula to color rows (default: NULL).


Color to apply with conditional formula (default: "#ABB2B9").


Should rows be colored? Only applicable to xls (default: TRUE).






Pieter Overdevest



     x                    = mtcars,
     c.file.string        = "Data Export",
     v.path               = path.data,
     v.sheet.name         = "Sheet1",
     v.table.name         = NULL,
     v.add.date           = TRUE,
     v.add.time           = FALSE,
     v.xls                = FALSE,
     v.csv                = FALSE,
     v.txt                = FALSE,
     v.delim              = FALSE,
     v.rds                = FALSE,
     v.fst                = FALSE,
     v.sqlite             = FALSE,
     v.parquet            = FALSE,
     v.xml                = FALSE,
     c.delim              = NULL,
     b.col.names          = TRUE,
     b.append             = FALSE,
     v.freeze.row         = NULL,
     v.freeze.col         = NULL,
     v.col.dark.blue      = NULL,
     v.col.light.blue     = NULL,
     v.col.green          = NULL,
     v.col.purple         = NULL,
     v.col.lila           = NULL,
     v.col.orange         = NULL,
     v.col.red            = NULL,
     c.conditional.eval   = "$I2==0",
     c.conditional.color  = "#ABB2B9",
     b.banded.rows        = TRUE

pieterov/generaltoolbox documentation built on Jan. 25, 2025, 10:32 a.m.