Man pages for pik-piam/limes
The liMES R package

compareScenariosLimesRender compareScenariosLimes
convGDX2MIFRead in GDX and write *.mif reporting
convGDX2MIF_tauRead in GDX and write *.mif time slice reporting
importParametersRead in GDX and import different parameters used in...
limesAllocateYearsAllocating years to variables that do not change over time
limesDiscountDiscounting variables (matrix)
limesInt2Extmapping of weights for the variables for global aggregation
limesMappingMapping limes iso 2 codes to iso 3 codes
limes-packageThe LIMES R package
reportAdequacyContributionRead in GDX and calculate capacities, used in convGDX2MIF.R...
reportAnnualAvFactorRead in GDX and report the annual availability factor (for...
reportBuildingsRead in GDX and calculate buildings variables, used in...
reportBuildtimeRead in GDX and report the plant buildtime, used in...
reportCapacityRead in GDX and calculate capacities, used in convGDX2MIF.R...
reportCapacityAdditionsRead in GDX and calculate capacity additions, used in...
reportCapitalCostsRead in GDX and report fuel costs, used in convGDX2MIF.R for...
reportCarbonSequestrationRead in GDX and calculate carbon sequestred, used in...
reportCO2PriceRead in GDX and calculate CO2 prices, used in convGDX2MIF.R...
reportCurtailmentRead in GDX and calculate electricity curtailment, used in...
reportDemandRead in GDX and calculate (net and gross) annual demand, used...
reportDisinvestmentsRead in GDX and calculate Disinvestment, used in...
reportElectricalEfficiencyRead in GDX and report the electrical efficiency, used in...
reportElectricityPricesRead in GDX and calculate electricity prices, used in...
reportEmissionsRead in GDX and calculate emissions, used in convGDX2MIF.R...
reportEUETSvarsRead in GDX and calculate emissions, used in convGDX2MIF.R...
reportExchangeRead in GDX and calculate electricity exchange, value of...
reportFictitiousVarsRead in GDX and calculate emissions, used in convGDX2MIF.R...
reportFuelCostsRead in GDX and report fuel costs, used in convGDX2MIF.R for...
reportGenerationRead in GDX and calculate electricity generation, used in...
reportHourAvFactorRead in GDX and report the max availability factor per hour...
reportIndustryEmissionsRead in GDX and calculate industry emissions, used in...
reportInputRead in GDX and calculate availability factors, used in...
reportInvestmentCostsRead in GDX and report the investment costs, used in...
reportLifetimeRead in GDX and report the plant lifetime, used in...
reportLoadFactorRead in GDX and calculate the load factor, used in...
reportMSRRead in GDX and calculate MSR-related variables, used in...
reportNurenRead in GDX and calculate availability factors, used in...
reportOMFRead in GDX and report the Fixed O&M costs, used in...
reportOMVRead in GDX and report the Variable O&M costs, used in...
reportPeakDemandRead in GDX and calculate annual peak demand, used in...
reportPrimaryEnergyRead in GDX and calculate primary energy, used in...
reportTotalSystemCostsRead in GDX and calculate electricity generation, used in...
reportUKETSvarsRead in GDX and calculate emissions, used in convGDX2MIF.R...
pik-piam/limes documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 4:45 a.m.