calc1stBioDem | calc1stBioDem |
calc1stBioenergyPast | calc1stBioenergyPast |
calcACCMIP | calcACCMIP |
calcAdjustGrassi2021 | calcAdjustGrassi2021 |
calcAgProductionValue | calcAgProductionValue |
calcAnimalStocks | calcAnimalStocks |
calcAtmosphericDeposition | calcAtmosphericDeposition |
calcAtmosphericRedepositionShare | calcAtmosphericRedepositionShare |
calcAtmosphericTransboundaryRedepositionShare | calcAtmosphericRedepositionShare |
calcAWMSconfShr | calcAWMSconfShr |
calcAWMSconfShrPast | calcAWMSconfShrPast |
calcBiomeType | calcBiomeType |
calcBioplasticToBiomass | calcBioplasticToBiomass |
calcBodyHeight | calcBodyHeight |
calcCentralFeedshares | calcCentralFeedshares |
calcClimateClass | calcClimateClass |
calcClossConfinement | calcClossConfinement |
calcConstructionWoodDemand | calcConstructionWoodDemand |
calcDemography | calcDemography |
calcDevelopmentState | calc |
calcEDGAR6 | calcEDGAR6 |
calcEF3confinement | calcEF3confinement |
calcEF3prp | calcEF3prp |
calcEmiMac | Calculate baseline emissions for maccs |
calcEmiMacCEDS | Calculate baseline emissions for maccs (mostly) from CEDS2024... |
calcEmisNitrogenAWMSPast | calcEmisNitrogenAWMSPast |
calcEmisNitrogenCroplandPast | calcEmisNitrogenCroplandPast |
calcEmisNitrogenNonaglandPast | calcEmisNitrogenNonaglandPast |
calcEmisNitrogenOceans | calcEmisNitrogenOceans |
calcEmisNitrogenPast | calcEmisNitrogenPast |
calcEmisNitrogenPasturePast | calcEmisNitrogenPasturePast |
calcEmisNitrogenPreagriculture | calcEmisNitrogenPreagriculture |
calcEmisNitrogenWater | calcEmisNitrogenWater |
calcEmissionInventory | calcEmisNitrogenCroplandPast |
calcExcretion | calcExcretion |
calcExcretionIPCC | calcExcretionIPCC |
calcFAOIntraYearProd | calcFAOIntraYearProd |
calcFAOmassbalance | calcFAOmassbalance |
calcFAOYield | calcFAOYield |
calcFeedBalanceflow | calcFeedBalanceflow |
calcFeedBaskets | calcFeedBaskets |
calcFeedBasketsPast | calcFeedBasketsPast |
calcFeedBasketsSysPast | Calculate historical system-specific feed baskets based on... |
calcFeedBasketsUncalibrated | calcFeedBasketsUncalibrated |
calcFeedEfficiencyFuture | calcFeedEfficiencyFuture |
calcFeedPast | calcFeedPast |
calcFertilizerByCrop | calcFertilizerByCrop |
calcFertN | Calculate Fertilizer of N |
calcFoodSupplyPast | calcFoodSupplyPast |
calcGovernanceIndicator | calcGovernanceIndicator |
calcGrowingStock | calcGrowingStock |
calcGrowingStockNatVegAbsolute | calcGrowingStockNatVegAbsolute |
calcGrowingStockNRF | calcGrowingStockNRF |
calcGrowingStockpha | calcGrowingStockpha |
calcGrowingStockPlantAbsolute | calcGrowingStockPlantAbsolute |
calcGrowingStockPlantations | calcGrowingStockPlantations |
calcGTAPTotalTransportCosts | calcGTAPTotalTransportCosts |
calcHistBioplasticProd | calcHistBioplasticProd |
calcHistEmissions | historical emissions per sector or mac |
calcIniFoodPrice | calcIniFoodPrice |
calcIntake | calcIntake |
calcIntakeBodyweight | calcIntakeBodyweight |
calcIOEdgeBuildings | calcIOEdgeBuildings |
calcIPCCefNSoil | calcIPCCefNSoil |
calcIPCCfracLeach | calcIPCCfracLeach |
calcLandArea | calcLandArea |
calcLandEmissions | calcLandEmissions |
calcLanduseIntensity | calcLanduseIntensity |
calcLivestockGridded | calcLivestockGridded |
calcLivestockProductivity | Calculate Yields for Livestock |
calcMacBaseLandUse | calcMacBase calculate MacBase |
calcMACCsCH4 | Calculation of CH4 MAC curves of Energy Industry and Landuse |
calcMACCsN2O | Calculation of N2O MAC curves of Energy Industry and Landuse |
calcManureFuelShr | calcManureFuelShr |
calcManureRecyclingCroplandPast | calcManureRecyclingCroplandPast |
calcNitrogenBNF | calcNitrogenBNF |
calcNitrogenBudgetCropland | calcNitrogenBudgetCropland |
calcNitrogenBudgetNonagland | calcNitrogenBudgetNonagland |
calcNitrogenBudgetOcean | calcNitrogenBudgetOcean |
calcNitrogenBudgetPasture | calcNitrogenBudgetPasture |
calcNitrogenFixationPast | calcNitrogenFixationPast |
calcNitrogenFixationRateNatural | calcNitrogenFixationRateNatural |
calcNitrogenWithdrawalByCrop | calcNitrogenWithdrawalByCrop |
calcNuePasture | calcNuePasture |
calcNutrientBudgetSewage | calcNutrientBudgetSewage |
calcPhysicalInactivity | calcPhysicalInactivity |
calcPlantationCellular | calcPlantationCellular |
calcPlantEstablishCalib | calcPlantEstablishCalib |
calcPriceAgriculture | calcPriceAgriculture |
calcProdSysRatioPast | Calculate historical distribution of livestock production... |
calcProduction | calcProduction |
calcRegressionParameters | calcRegressionParameters |
calcResBiomass | calcResBiomass |
calcResDemand | calcResDemand |
calcResFieldBalancePast | calcResFieldBalancePast |
calcResFor2ndBioengery | calcResFor2ndBioengery |
calcRockNWeathering | calcRockNWeathering |
calcSeed | calcSeed |
calcSNUpE | calcSNUpE |
calcSOCLossShare | calcSOCLossShare |
calcSOM | calcSOM |
calcSOMlossN | calcSOMlossN |
calcStorage | calcStorage |
calcTemperature | calcTemperature |
calcTimberDemand | calcTimberDemand |
calcWBGEM | calcWBGEM |
convertACCMIP | convertACCMIP |
convertBodirsky2018 | convertBodirsky2018 |
convertCEDS2021 | convertCEDS2021 |
convertCEDS2024 | convertCEDS2024 |
convertEEA_EuropeanEnvironmentAgency | Convert European Environment Agency (EEA) data |
convertEU_ReferenceScenario | Convert EU Reference Scenario |
convertEurostat | Read Eurostat historical emissions (env_air_gge) |
convertExpertGuessSSPLivestockProduction | convertExpertGuessSSPLivestockProduction |
convertFeedModel | Convert FeedModel data |
convertGTAPv8v9 | convertGTAPv8v9 |
convertHerridge | convertHerridge |
convertICP2017 | convertICP2017 |
convertIEA | Convert IEA |
convertIEA_EEI | Convert IEA End Uses and Efficiency Indicators data to data... |
convertIFA | Convert IFA |
convertImageMacc | Convert subtypes of the ImageMacc data |
convertIPCC | Convert subtypes of the IPCC data |
convertISIMIP | convertISIMIP |
convertJRC_IDEES | Convert JRC IDEES data |
convertKoeppen | convertKoeppen |
convertLassaletta2014 | convertLassaletta2014 |
convertLotzeCampenBiofuel | convertLotzeCampenBiofuel |
convertLutz2014 | convertLutz2014 |
convertMAgPIE | Convert MAgPIE data |
convertNCDrisc | convertNCDrisc |
convertPBL_MACC_2019 | Convert subtypes of the PBL_MACC_2019 data |
convertPBL_MACC_2022 | Convert subtypes of the PBL_MACC_2022 data |
convertPBL_MACC_SSP2_2022 | Convert subtypes of the PBL_MACC_SSP2_2022 data |
convertPRIMAPhist | convertPRIMAPhist |
convertResFor2ndBE | convertResFor2ndBE |
convertSoilGrids | convertSoilGrids |
convertSSPResults | convertSSPResults |
convertVanDrecht2009 | convertVanDrecht2009 |
convertWHO | convertWHO |
correctAndrijevic2019 | correctAndrijevic2019 |
correctEDGARfood | correctEDGARfood |
correctFoodSystemsDashboard | correctFoodSystemsDashboard |
correctIPCCClimate | correctIPCCClimate |
correctKoeppen | correctKoeppen |
correctSoilGrids | correctSoilGrids |
correctTNC2019 | correctTNC2019 |
downloadAndrijevic2019 | downloadAndrijevic2019 |
downloadEDGAR6 | downloadEDGAR |
downloadEDGARfood | downloadEDGARfood |
downloadEurostatLivestock | Download Eurostat Livestock Data |
downloadGFED | Download GFED |
downloadGGCMICropCalendar | downloadGGCMICropCalendar |
downloadIPCCClimate | downloadIPCCClimate |
downloadISIMIP | Download ISIMIP data |
downloadNitrogenBoundariesGridded | downloadNitrogenBoundariesGridded |
downloadSoilGrids | downloadSoilGrids |
downloadUN_PopDiv | Download UN_PopDiv |
mrcommons-package | mrcommons: MadRat commons Input Data Library |
readACCMIP | readACCMIP |
readAdjustGrassi2021 | readAdjustGrassi2021 |
readAndrijevic2019 | readAndrijevic2019 |
readBodirsky2018 | readBodirsky2018 |
readCarbonLTS | readCarbonLTS |
readCEDS2021 | readCEDS2021 |
readCEDS2024 | readCEDS2024 |
readEDGAR6 | readEDGAR6 |
readEDGARfood | readEDGARfood |
readEDGARghg | readEDGAR_GHG |
readEDGAR_LU | Read EDGAR_LU |
readEEA_EuropeanEnvironmentAgency | Read European Environment Agency (EEA) data |
readEU_ReferenceScenario | Read EU Reference Scenario |
readEurostat | Read Eurostat historical emissions (env_air_gge) |
readEurostatLivestock | Read EUROSTAT_livestock |
readExpertGuessSSPLivestockProduction | readExpertGuessSSPLivestockProduction |
readFeedEfficiencyReg | Read in regression coefficients for feed efficiency |
readFeedModel | Read in data of FeedModel |
readFeedShareReg | Read in regression coefficients for central feed shares |
readFoodSystemsDashboard | readFoodSystemsDashboard |
readFroehle | Read parameters of Froehle equations |
readGFED | Read GFED |
readGGCMICropCalendar | readGGCMICropCalendar |
readGTAPv8v9 | readGTAPv8v9 |
readHerridge | readHerridge |
readHHS_USDA | readHHS_USDA |
readHI | Read allometric coeffizients for residue to harvest... |
readHoulton2018 | readHoulton2018 |
readICP2017 | readICP2017 |
readIEA | Read IEA |
readIEA_EEI | Read-in data from IEA End Uses and Efficiency Indicators... |
readIFA | Read IFA |
readIfBB | readIfBB |
readImageMacc | Read in ImageMacc Costcurves for different subtypes |
readIMPACT3.2.2World_Price | Read IMPACT3.2.2World_Price |
readIPCC | Read in IPCC emissions |
readIPCCClimate | readIPCCClimate |
readISIMIP | readISIMIP |
readKoeppen | readKoeppen |
readLassaletta2014 | readLassaletta2014 |
readLotzeCampenBiofuel | Read LotzeCampenBiofuel |
readLutz2014 | readLutz2014 |
readMAgPIE | Read MAgPIE data |
readNCDrisc | readNCDrisc |
readNitrogenBoundariesGridded | readNitrogenBoundariesGridded |
readPBL_MACC_2019 | Read in PBL MAC curves from Harmsen_et_al_2019 for different... |
readPBL_MACC_2022 | Read in PBL MAC curves from Harmsen_et_al_2022 for different... |
readPBL_MACC_SSP2_2022 | Read in PBL MAC curves from Harmsen_et_al_2022 for different... |
readPRIMAPhist | readPRIMAPhist |
readResFor2ndBE | readResFor2ndBE |
readSchofield | Read parameters of Schofield equations |
readSoilGrids | readSoilGrids |
readSSPResults | readSSPResults |
readTNC2019 | readTNC2019 |
readTransportCostsGTAP | Read Transport Costs |
readVanDrecht2009 | readvanDrecht2009 |
readWBGEM | readWBGEM |
readWHO | Read WHO |
readZhang2015 | Read Nitrogen Use Efficiency Paramerst from Zhang et al 2015 |
toolAWMSScenarioCreation | toolAWMSScenarioCreation |
toolCalcIEAfromStructureMappingPEFE | toolCalcIEAfromStructureMappingPEFE |
toolPregnant | toolPregnant |
toolSplitBiomass | Split Biomass into modern and traditional |
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