calcAvlCropland: calcAvlCropland

View source: R/calcAvlCropland.R

calcAvlCroplandR Documentation



Calculates the total available cropland per grid cell, based on physical cropland suitability data or other criteria, such as constraints on cropland expansion


  marginal_land = "magpie",
  cell_upper_bound = 0.9,
  country_level = FALSE,
  cells = "lpjcell",
  luhBaseYear = "y1995"



Defines which share of marginal land should be included (see options below) and whether suitable land under irrigated conditions ("irrigated"), under rainfed conditions ("rainfed") or suitability under rainfed conditions including currently irrigated land (rainfed_and_irrigated) should be used. Options combined via ":" The different marginal land options are:

  • "all_marginal": All marginal land (suitability index between 0-0.33) is included as suitable

  • "q33_marginal": The bottom tertile (suitability index below 0.13) of the marginal land area is excluded.

  • "q50_marginal": The bottom half (suitability index below 0.18) of the marginal land area is excluded.

  • "q66_marginal": The first and second tertile (suitability index below 0.23) of the marginal land area are excluded.

  • "q75_marginal": The first, second and third quartiles (suitability index below 0.25) of the marginal land are are excluded

  • "no_marginal": Areas with a suitability index of 0.33 and lower are excluded.

  • "magpie": Returns "all_marginal:rainfed_and_irrigated", "q33_marginal:rainfed_and_irrigated" and "no_marginal:rainfed_and_irrigated" in a magclass object to be used as magpie input.


Upper bound for cropland at the grid cell level. Even if, for instance, the total available cropland area equals the land area in a grid cell, cropland cannot be expanded above this value.


Whether output shall be at country level. Requires aggregate=FALSE in calcOutput.


magpiecell (59199 cells) or lpjcell (67420 cells)


Base year of LUH land area


magpie object in cellular resolution


Patrick v. Jeetze, Felicitas Beier


## Not run: 
calcOutput("AvlCropland", aggregate = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

pik-piam/mrland documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 11:47 p.m.