Homework 1


We are asked to write a R markdown file to show at least 3 examples presented in the book " R for beginners", such like texts, numerical results, tables, or figures.


numerical results

x <- rnorm(10,3,2)

A vector of random numbers x is defined by function "rnorm". The normal distribution presented here has mean of 3 and variance of 2. Ten numbers are generated via those two lines of codes.


a <- "Double quotes \" delimitate R’s strings."

A string is defined as object "a", and printed via the second line.


hist(y,breaks = 30)

Y is 1000 random numbers obeying normal distribution, whose mean is 2, and variance is 3.Then the histogram of y is plotted with 30 cells.

Homework 2


A discrete random variable X has probability mass function x

|x|0|1|2|3|4| |:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |p(x)|0.1|0.2|0.2|0.2|0.3|

Use the inverse transform method to generate a random sample of size 1000 from the distribution of X. Construct a relative frequency table and compare the empirical with the theoretical probabilities. Repeat using the R sample function.


set.seed(123)#guarantee that the program can be repeated with the same result
x <- 0:4#define r.v. x
p <- c(0.1,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.3)#the relative probability of x
cp <- cumsum(p)#cumulative sum of probability
m <- 1000#size of samples
r <- numeric(m)#construct a zero vector with length of 1000 
r <- x[findInterval(runif(m),cp)+1]
# Generate 1000 sample from a uniform distribution and find where does every sample fall in the interval of cp.Every interval corresponds a value of random variable x.
table_r <- table(r)

#theoretical probability
t_p <- p*1000
names(t_p) <- x
print(t_p)#show the theoretical 1000 samples
a <- data.frame(x,freq = c(105,193,205,200,297,100,200,200,200,300),type = rep(c('random sample','theoretical sample'),each = 5))
ggplot(a,aes(x = x ,y =freq ,fill = type))+geom_col(position = 'dodge')

Firstly, I use the inverse transform method to generate 1000 samples from distribution x,which is shown as the table. More details can be seen in the comment of the code.

Then I use the "ggplot2" package to create a figure to show the difference of random sample from the distribution x between the sample from theoretical distribution.

As the figure shows, the difference is very tiny with a relatively large sample. So we can regard the inverse transform method as a appoximation to the theoretical distribution.


Write a function to generate a random sample of size n from the Beta(a, b) distribution by the acceptance-rejection method. Generate a random sample of size 1000 from the Beta(3,2) distribution. Graph the histogram of the sample with the theoretical Beta(3,2) density superimposed.


As known to all, Beta function is defined as $B(a,b)=\int_0^1x^{a-1}(1-x)^{b-1}dx$, and the pdf of Beta distribution is $f(x,a,b)=\frac{1}{B(a,b)}x^{a-1}(1-x)^{b-1}$.
Then I use the acceptance-rejection method to define a function which aims to generate a vector of samples of length n from beta distribution,with parameters a and b.
At last, I make a histogram to confirm that this is a valid function.

beta_arm <- function(n,a,b){
  beta_pdf <- function(x){
    (1/beta(a,b))*(x)^(a-1)*(1-x)^(b-1)#define the pdf of beta distribution
  j <- 0#the time of iteration
  k <- 0#the available sample 
  y <- numeric(n)#a zero vector of length n
  while (k < n){
    u <- runif(1) 
    j <- j + 1 
    x <- runif(1) #random variate from g 
    if ((a-1)*x^(a-2) * (b-1)*(1-x)^(b-2) > u) { 
      #accept x 
      k <- k + 1 
      y[k] <- x
sample_beta <- beta_arm(1000,3,2)#record the sample
sample_beta_theo <- rbeta(1000,3,2)#generate the sample by using the function "rbeta"
data_beta <- data.frame(sample = c(sample_beta,sample_beta_theo),class = rep(c('empirical','theoretical'),each = 1000))#construst a data frame in order to generate a figure
ggplot(data_beta,aes(x = sample,fill = class))+geom_histogram(position="identity", alpha=0.5)


Simulate a continuous Exponential-Gamma mixture. Suppose that the rate parameter $\Lambda$ has $Gamma(r,\beta)$ distribution and $Y$ has $Exp(\lambda)$ distribution. That is, $(Y|\Lambda=\lambda)~f_Y(y|\lambda)=\lambda e-\lambda y$. Generate 1000 random observations from this mixture with $r=4$ and $\beta=2$ .


Firstly, I define two parameters of gamma distribution.Then I use this particular gamma distribution to generate 1000 samples, which are the parameter lambda of exponential distribution. Next, I use the function "rexp" generating 1000 samples x from the exponential distribution. Lastly, I plot the histogram of x.

n <- 1000
r <- 4
beta <- 2#define the parameters
lambda <- rgamma(n, r, beta)#generate the random sample from the gamma distribution with r=4, beta=2
x <- rexp(n, lambda) 
head(x,30)#list the first 30 samples
x_data <- data.frame(x1 = x)
ggplot(x_data,aes(x = x1))+geom_histogram(fill = 'skyblue',alpha =0.7,binwidth = 0.4)

Homework 3

Exercise 5.4

Write a function to compute a Monta Carlo estimate of the $beta(3,3)$ cdf, and use the function to estimate $F(x)$ for $x = 0.1,0.2,...,0.9$. Compare the estimates with the values returned by the pbeta function in R.


I use Monta Carlo method to estimate the cdf of Beta(3,3) distribution. As the method showed in the slide, we multiply the expected value of pdf and the length of integral interval to approximate the cdf.

A function beta33_cdf is defined firstly with three parameters of sample size and the two ends of interval. Then I use a loop construction to obtain the cdf with different $X$ from 0.1 to 0.9.

At last, I use ggplot2 to draw a figure to compare the difference between the cdf generated by Monta Carol method and the pbeta function.

beta33_cdf <- function(n,a,b){
  x <- runif(n,a,b)
  cdf_est <- (sum(30*(x^2-2*x^3+x^4))/n)*(b-a)#Monta Carlo method
a <- data.frame(x = seq(0.1,0.9,0.1), MontaCarlo = numeric(9),pbeta = numeric(9))#construct a data frame to show the value of cdf
i <- 1
  a[i,2] <- beta33_cdf(10000,0,i*0.1)
  a[i,3] <- pbeta(i*0.1,3,3)
  i <- i+1

b <- data.frame(x = c(a$x,a$x),pdf = c(a$MontaCarlo,a$pbeta),class = rep(c('MontaCarlo','pbeta'),each=9))
#contruct b in order to use ggplot2 easily
ggplot(data = b)+
  geom_col(aes(x = x,y = pdf, fill = class),position = 'dodge')+scale_fill_brewer(palette = 'Set1')

Exercise 5.9

The Rayleigh density is $$f(x)=\frac{x}{\sigma^2}e^{-x^2/(2\sigma^2)}, x\ge0,\sigma\ge0$$ Implement a function to generate samples from a $Rayleigh(\sigma)$ distribution, using antithetic variables. What is the percent reduction in variance of $\frac{X+X'}{2}$ compared with $\frac{X_1+X_2}{2}$ for independent $X_1,X_2$?



Firsty, use the inverse transform method to obtain the probability density function of X. \begin{eqnarray} F(x)&=&\int^x_0{\frac{t}{2\sigma^2}e^{-\frac{t^2}{2\sigma^2}}}dt\ &=&\frac{1}{2}\int^x_0{e^{-\frac{t^2}{2\sigma^2}}}d\frac{t^2}{\sigma^2}\ &=&-\int^x_0{e^{-\frac{t^2}{2\sigma^2}}}d\frac{t^2}{2\sigma^2}\ &=&-e^{-\frac{t^2}{2\sigma^2}}\vert^x_0\ &=&1-e^{-\frac{x^2}{2\sigma^2}} \end{eqnarray}

So we have

\begin{equation} X\sim F^{-1}_{x}(U)=\sqrt{-2\sigma^2\ln(1-U)},U\sim U[0,1]\ \end{equation}

i.e. the pdf of random variable X. Next, we use antithetic variables to generate samples from Rayleigh distribution.


Rayleigh <- function(n,sigma,ant = T){
  m <- floor(n/2)
  u <- runif(m)
  if(ant) v <- 1-u else v <- runif(m)
  u <- c(u,v)
  sample <- numeric(length(u))
  sample <- (-(2*sigma^2)*(log(1-u)))^(1/2)

sample <- Rayleigh(1000,4)
head(sample,20)#out of simplicity, only 20 samples are printed

Then let us analyse the variance reduction of using antithetic variables. If $X$ is sampled from a Rayleigh distribution with parameter $\sigma$. $$EX=\int^\infty_{-\infty}xf(x)dx=\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2}}\sigma$$ $$DX=E(X^2)-(EX)^2=\frac{4-\pi}{2}\sigma^2$$ Assume that $X_1,X_2$ are independent samples from a Rayleigh distribution. \begin{eqnarray} Var(\frac{X_1+X_2}{2})&=&\frac{1}{4}[Var(X_1)+V(X_2)+2Cov(X_1+X_2)]\ &=&\frac{4-\pi}{4}\sigma^2\quad(if X_1,X_2\ are\ independent)\ \end{eqnarray}

idpt_sample <- Rayleigh(4000,2,ant=F)#use Rayleigh function to obtain 4000 independent samples
ant_sample <- Rayleigh(4000,2,ant=T)#use Rayleigh function to obtain 4000 antithetic samples
var_idpt_sample <- var((idpt_sample[1:2000]+idpt_sample[2001:4000])/2)#compute the variance of independent samples
var_ant_sample <- var((ant_sample[1:2000]+ant_sample[2001:4000])/2)#compute the variance of antithetic samples
cat('The variance of independent sample is',var_idpt_sample,'.\n
The variance of ant_sample is',var_ant_sample,'.\n
The pecent of variance reduction is', (var_idpt_sample-var_ant_sample)/var_idpt_sample,
'.\n\nThe covariance of independent sample is', cov(idpt_sample[1:2000],idpt_sample[2001:4000]),', while the covariance of antithetic sample is', (cov(ant_sample[1:2000],ant_sample[2001:4000])))#show the variances
a <- data.frame(class <- c('independent sample','antithetic sample'),
                variance <- c(var_idpt_sample,var_ant_sample))
ggplot(a)+geom_col(aes(x = class,y = variance),fill = 'LightSkyBlue3')+ylim(0,1)+
  coord_flip()#use figure to compare the variance reduction


It can be seen that the covariance of antithetic variables is -1.65, while the covariance of independent samples is 0.04, near to 0. So the variance reduction is very obvious and effective.In this example, the variance reduces 94.6%.

Exercise 5.13

Find two importance functions $f_1$ and $f_2$ that are supported on $(1,\infty)$ and are ‘close’ to $$g(x)=\frac{x^2}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-x^2/2},x\ge1.$$ Which of your two importance functions should produce the smaller variance in estimating $$\int^\infty_1{\frac{x^2}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-x^2/2}}dx$$ by importance sampling? Explain.



We choose two function $f_1(x)=e^{-x},\quad x\ge1$,and $f_2(x)=xe^{-\frac{x^2}{2}},\quad x\ge1$ (Rayleigh distribution density function with $\sigma=1$) to approximate $g(x)$.

n <- 10000
theta.hat <- numeric(2)
se <- numeric(2)
g <- function(x){

x <- rexp(n,1)
fg <- g(x)/exp(-x)
theta.hat[1] <- mean(fg)
se[1] <- sd(fg)

x <- Rayleigh(n,1,ant = F)
fg <- g(x)/(x*exp(-(x^2)/2))
theta.hat[2] <- mean(fg)
se[2] <- sd(fg)


a <- data.frame(theta.hat,se)


The theoretical integral of function g from interval $[1,\infty)$ is 0.400626 with absolute error < 5.7e-07, and two functions I choose can generate nearly the same integral value, 0.401 and 0.398 respectively.
The second importance function has smaller variance 0.359, less than the variance of the first importance function 0.587. It can be found that the second importance function $f(x)$ has the similar form with the function $g(x)$. So $g(x)/f(x)$ is near to a constant. According to the theory of this method, the two functions whose quotient is nearly constant have small variance.

Exercise 5.14

Obtain a Monte Carlo estimate of $$\int^\infty_1{\frac{x^2}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-x^2/2}}dx$$ by importance sampling.


According Exercise 5.13, we can regard Rayleigh distribution density function as importance function to estimate this integral. So the following code is almost the same as last answer.

n <- 10000
g <- function(x){

x <- Rayleigh(n,1,ant = F)#density of g(x)/f(x)
fg <- g(x)/(x*exp(-(x^2)/2))#g(x)/f(x)
cat(mean(fg),'\n')#estimate the integral


The integral value estimated by importance function method is close to the theoretical integral value obtained by integrate function.

Homework 4

Exercise 6.9

Let $X$ be a non-negative random variable with $\mu=E[X]<\infty$ . For a random sample $x_1,...,x_n$ from the distribution of X, the Gini ratio is defined by $$G=\frac{1}{2n^2\mu}\sum^n_{j=1}\sum^n_{i=1}|x_i-x_j|.$$ The Gini ratio is applied in economics to measure inequality in income distribution (see e.g. [163]). Note that $G$ can be written in terms of the order statistics $x_{(i)}$ as $$G=\frac{1}{n^2\mu}\sum^n_{i=1}(2i-n-1)x_{(i)}.$$ If the mean is unknown, let $\hat{G}$ be the statistic $G$ with $\mu$ replaced by $\bar{x}$.Estimate by simulation the mean, median and deciles of $\hat{G}$ if $X$ is standard lognormal. Repeat the procedure for the uniform distribution and Bernoulli(0.1). Also construct density histograms of the replicates in each case.


Firstly, let us discuss the situation that X is standard lognormal.I define a function named G_rlnorm to generate G using order statistics $X_{(i)}$.

m <- n <- 1000

G_lnorm <- function(n){#a function to compute G-hat
  x <- rlnorm(n)
  x <- sort(x)#generate order statistics
  sum_x <- 0
  for(i in 1:n) sum_x <- sum_x+(2*i-n-1)*x[i]
  sum_x <- sum_x/(n^2*mean(x))

G1 <- numeric(m)#m estimations of G

for(j in 1:m)  G1[j] <- G_lnorm(n)

cat('The mean of G-hat is',mean(G1),',the median of G-hat is',median(G1),',and the deciles are',quantile(G1,probs = seq(0,1,0.1)))

G1 <- tibble(G1)

ggplot(G1,aes(x = G1))+geom_histogram(fill = 'royalblue',alpha = 0.7)

The similar code is run with X is sampled from a uniform distribution (0,1).

G_unif <- function(n){#a function to compute G-hat
  x <- runif(n)
  x <- sort(x)#generate order statistics
  sum_x <- 0
  for(i in 1:n) sum_x <- sum_x+(2*i-n-1)*x[i]
  sum_x <- sum_x/(n^2*mean(x))

G2 <- numeric(m)#m estimations of G

for(j in 1:m)  G2[j] <- G_unif(n)

cat('The mean of G-hat is',mean(G2),',the median of G-hat is',median(G2),',and the deciles are',quantile(G2,probs = seq(0,1,0.1)))

G2 <- tibble(G2)

ggplot(G2,aes(x = G2))+geom_histogram(fill = "CadetBlue3",alpha = 0.7)

At last, let me show the G with X~Bernoulli (0,1).

G_bernoulli <- function(n){#a function to compute G-hat
  x <- rbernoulli(n)
  x <- sort(x)#generate order statistics
  sum_x <- 0
  for(i in 1:n) sum_x <- sum_x+(2*i-n-1)*x[i]
  sum_x <- sum_x/(n^2*mean(x))

G3 <- numeric(m)#m estimations of G

for(j in 1:m)  G3[j] <- G_bernoulli(n)

cat('The mean of G-hat is',mean(G3),',the median of G-hat is',median(G3),',and the deciles are',quantile(G3,probs = seq(0,1,0.1)))

G3 <- tibble(G3)

ggplot(G3,aes(x = G3))+geom_histogram(fill = 'yellow2',alpha = 0.7)

Exercise 6.10

Construct an approximate 95% confidence interval for the Gini ratio $\gamma=E[G]$ if X is lognormal with unknown parameters. Assess the coverage rate of the estimation procedure with a Monte Carlo experiment.


Assume that X is lognormal with meanlog = 0 and sdlog = 1. The 95% confidence interval of mean value takes the form $$(\bar{G}-t_{(1-\alpha/2)}(n-1)\frac{S}{\sqrt{n}})$$, where $S$ is standard deviation of the sample, $t_{(1-\alpha/2)}(n-1)$ is the $t$ value corresponding to the nominal level $1-\alpha$,and df = n-1, and $n$ is the size of the sample.

n <- 200#the size of x to generate G
m <- 100#the size of G to compute mean of G and sd of G
k <- 200#the size of gamma to estimate the coverage rate
G4 <- numeric(m)

for(i in 1:m)  G4[i] <- G_lnorm(n)

gamma_mean <- mean(G4)
gamma_sd <- sd(G4)

#confidence interval (a,b)
a <- gamma_mean-qt(0.975,df = m-1)*gamma_sd/sqrt(m)
b <- gamma_mean+qt(0.975,df = m-1)*gamma_sd/sqrt(m)

gamma <- numeric(k)

#generate another 300 gammas to find whether the confidence interval is valid
for(i in 1:k){
  G <- numeric(m)
  for(j in 1:m) G[j] <- G_lnorm(n)
  gamma[i] <- mean(G)

cat('The confidence interval of gamma is (',round(a,4),',',round(b,4),'), and the coverage rate is about ',round((sum(gamma>a&gamma<b)/k),3)*100,'%',sep = '')

Due to the performance limit of my laptop, I did not choose a large size of samples. However, the result is convincing enough. We can find that nearly 93.5% gamma fall in the confidence interval (0.509,0.5205), which is very close to the nominal level 95%.

Exercise 6.B

Tests for association based on Pearson product moment correlation $\rho$ , Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient $\rho_s$, or Kendall’s coefficient $\tau$ , are implemented in cor.test. Show (empirically) that the nonparametric tests based on $\rho_s$ or $\tau$ are less powerful than the correlation test when the sampled distribution is bivariate normal. Find an example of an alternative (a bivariate distribution $(X,Y)$ such that $X$ and $Y$ are dependent) such that at least one of the nonparametric tests have better empirical power than the correlation test against this alternative.


Firstly, two groups of samples from normal distributions with different parameters are generated. Then three testing methods are implemented on this data.

n <- 30
m <- 5000
pearson_p <- numeric(m)
kendall_p <- numeric(m)
spearman_p <- numeric(m)

sigma <- matrix(c(1,0.3,0.3,1),ncol = 2)
mean <- c(0,1)

for(i in 1:m){
mltinorm <- mvrnorm(n,mean,sigma)
x <- mltinorm [, 1]
y <- mltinorm [, 2]
#using three methods to implement tests for association
pearson <- cor.test(x,y,method = 'pearson')
kendall <- cor.test(x,y,method = 'kendall')
spearman <- cor.test(x,y,method = 'spearman')

pearson_p[i] <- pearson$p.value
kendall_p[i] <- kendall$p.value
spearman_p[i] <- spearman$p.value


#compute the rate that null hypothesis is rejected

rate <- tibble(methods = c('pearson','kendall','spearman'),reject_percent = c(sum(pearson_p<0.05)/m,sum(kendall_p<0.05)/m,sum(spearman_p<0.05)/m))
rate$methods <- factor(rate$methods,levels = c('pearson','kendall','spearman'))
ggplot(rate,aes(x = methods,y = reject_percent))+
  geom_col(fill = 'Salmon')

We can find that there are less cases rejecting null hypothesis when using Kendall or Spearman methods than using Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient when X and Y are dependent, i.e. the power. So nonparametric tests based on spearman or kendall methods are less powerful than the correlation test when the sampled distribution is bivariate normal.

n <- 30
m <- 5000
pearson_p <- numeric(m)
kendall_p <- numeric(m)
spearman_p <- numeric(m)

sigma <- matrix(c(1,0,0,1),ncol = 2)
mean <- c(0,1)
for(i in 1:m){
  mltinorm <- mvrnorm(n, mean, sigma)
  x <- mltinorm [, 1]
  y <- mltinorm [, 2]

#using three methods to implement tests for association
  pearson <- cor.test(x, y, method = 'pearson')
  kendall <- cor.test(x, y, method = 'kendall')
  spearman <- cor.test(x, y, method = 'spearman')

  pearson_p[i] <- pearson$p.value
  kendall_p[i] <- kendall$p.value
  spearman_p[i] <- spearman$p.value


#compute the times that alternative hypothesis is accepted
rate <- tibble(methods = c('pearson','kendall','spearman'),reject_percent = c(sum(pearson_p<0.05)/m,sum(kendall_p<0.05)/m,sum(spearman_p<0.05)/m))
rate$methods <- factor(rate$methods,levels = c('pearson','kendall','spearman'))
ggplot(rate,aes(x = methods,y = reject_percent))+
  geom_col(fill = 'NavajoWhite2')

We can draw the conclusion from the figure that spearman tests have better empirical power than the pearson test in this case.

Homework 5

Exercise 7.1

Compute a jackknife estimate of the bias and the standard error of the correlation statistic in Example 7.2.


As we know, the jackknife estimate of bias is \begin{equation} \widehat{bias}{jack}=(n-a)(\bar{\hat{\theta}{(\cdot)}}-\hat\theta),\ \end{equation} and standard error $$\widehat{se}{jack}=\sqrt{\frac{n-1}{n}\sum{i=1}^n(\hat{\theta}{(i)}-\bar{\hat{\theta}{(\cdot)}})^2}$$
Use these equations, we can estimate the bias and standard error by jackknife method.


n <- nrow(law)
cor_law <- cor(law$LSAT, law$GPA)
cor_law_jack <- numeric(n)
for (i in 1:n)
  cor_law_jack[i] <- cor(law$LSAT[-i], law$GPA[-i])

bias_cor_law <- (n - 1) * (mean(cor_law_jack) - cor_law)
  'The bias of the correlation statistic computed by jackknife estimation is',
#standard error
se_cor_law <- sqrt((n - 1) * mean((cor_law_jack - mean(cor_law_jack)) ^ 2))
  'The standard error of the correlation statistic computed by jackknife estimation is',

These are jackknife estimates of the bias and the standard error of the correlation statistic in Example 7.2.

Exercise 7.5

Refer to Exercise 7.4. Compute 95% bootstrap confidence intervals for the mean time between failures 1/λ by the standard normal, basic, percentile, and BCa methods. Compare the intervals and explain why they may differ.


standard normal

The Central Limit Theorem implies that $$Z=\frac{\hat{\theta}-E(\hat{\theta})}{se(\hat\theta)}$$ is approximately standard normal. If $\hat\theta$ is unbiased for$\theta$ ,then an approximate $100(1-\alpha)\%$' confidence interval for $\theta$ is the Z-interval $$(\hat\theta-z_{\alpha/2}se(\theta),\ \hat\theta+z_{\alpha/2}se(\theta))$$.


The $100(1−\alpha)\%$ confidence limits for the basic bootstrap confidence interval are $$(2\hat\theta-\hat\theta_{1-\alpha/2},\, 2\hat\theta-\hat\theta_{\alpha/2}).$$


The quantiles of the empirical distribution are estimators of the quantiles of the sampling distribution of $\hat\theta$.So we can use $\hat\theta_{\alpha/2}$ and $\hat\theta_{1-\alpha/2}$ to estimate the confidence interval.


BCa is a modified version of percentile intervals that have better theoretical properties and better performance in practice.

mean_airc <- function(x, i) {
  a <- x[i, 1]
boot.obj <- boot(aircondit, statistic = mean_airc, R = 300)
boot_ci <-
  boot.ci(boot.obj, type = c("basic", "norm", "perc", "bca"))

Confidence intervals generated by four different methods are listed as below.

|Normal|Basic|Percentile|BCa| |-----|------|---------|----| |(30.7, 183.9)|(23.2, 172.5)|(43.6, 192.9)|(53.0, 236.9)|

The reason why these confidence intervals differ may partly caused by the limits of methods that intervals are estimated. For example, the standard normal bootstrap methods needs a large size of samples to assume that the Central Limit Theorem is sensible. While the percentile bootstrap method regard the $\alpha/2$ and $1-\alpha/2$ quantiles of bootstrap replicates of the statistic $\hat\theta$ as the confidence interval upper bound and lower bound.

Exercise 7.8

Refer to Exercise 7.7. Obtain the jackknife estimates of bias and standard error of $\hat{\theta}$.


Firstly, I use PCA to generate the eigenvalue of the first principal component as the parameter $\hat\theta$. Like the process run in the exercise 7.1, the jackknife method is used to generate 88 $\hat\theta_(i)$ here. The bias and standard error can be easily derived from two equations.

scor_pca <- princomp(scor, cor = F)
scor_pca_summary <- summary(scor_pca)
#the proportion of variance explained by the first principal component is 0.619115
theta.hat <- 0.619115

n <- nrow(scor)
theta.hat.jackknife <- numeric(n)
for (i in 1:n) {
scor_jackknife <- scor[-i, ]
scor_jackknife_cov <- cov(scor_jackknife)
theta.hat.jackknife[i] <-
eigen(scor_jackknife_cov)$value[1] / sum(eigen(scor_jackknife_cov)$value)

bias_theta <- (n - 1) * (mean(theta.hat.jackknife) - theta.hat)
  'The bias of the theta hat computed by jackknife estimation is',
#standard error
se_theta <-
  sqrt((n - 1) * mean((theta.hat.jackknife - mean(theta.hat.jackknife)) ^ 2))
  'The standard error of the theta hat computed by jackknife estimation is',

Exercise 7.11

In Example 7.18, leave-one-out (n-fold) cross validation was used to select the best fitting model. Use leave-two-out cross validation to compare the models.


Firstly, four models are built by 'lm' function. In the leave-two-out CV, I choose the data with index k-1 and k which are ignored temporarily, and in each loop, these two observations are used to compute the error. At last, average errors are computed to compare four models which fit the observations better.
We just need to make some modifications to the original code in example 7.18.


L1 <-  lm(magnetic ~ chemical)
L2 <-  lm(magnetic ~ chemical + I(chemical ^ 2))
L3 <-  lm(log(magnetic) ~ chemical)
L4 <-  lm(log(magnetic) ~ log(chemical))

n <- length(ironslag$magnetic) / 2
e1 <- e2 <- e3 <- e4 <- numeric(n * 2)

m <- 
for (k in (1:n)*2) {
  y <- magnetic[-c(k-1,k)] 
  x <- chemical[-c(k-1,k)]

  J1 <- lm(y ~ x) 
  yhat1 <- J1$coef[1] + J1$coef[2] * chemical[k-1]
  e1[k-1] <- magnetic[k-1] - yhat1#error between estimation and observation
  yhat1 <- J1$coef[1] + J1$coef[2] * chemical[k]
  e1[k] <- magnetic[k] - yhat1#error between estimation and observation

  J2 <- lm(y ~ x + I(x^2)) 
  yhat2 <- J2$coef[1] + J2$coef[2] * chemical[k-1] + J2$coef[3] * chemical[k-1]^2
  e2[k-1] <- magnetic[k-1] - yhat2#error between estimation and observation
  yhat2 <- J2$coef[1] + J2$coef[2] * chemical[k] + J2$coef[3] * chemical[k]^2
  e2[k] <- magnetic[k] - yhat2#error between estimation and observation

  J3 <- lm(log(y) ~ x) 
  logyhat3 <- J3$coef[1] + J3$coef[2] * chemical[k-1] 
  yhat3 <- exp(logyhat3)
  e3[k-1] <- magnetic[k-1] - yhat3#error between estimation and observation
  logyhat3 <- J3$coef[1] + J3$coef[2] * chemical[k] 
  yhat3 <- exp(logyhat3)
  e3[k] <- magnetic[k] - yhat3#error between estimation and observation

  J4 <- lm(log(y) ~ log(x)) 
  logyhat4 <- J4$coef[1] + J4$coef[2] * log(chemical[k-1]) 
  yhat4 <- exp(logyhat4)
  e4[k-1] <- magnetic[k-1] - yhat4#error between estimation and observation
  logyhat4 <- J4$coef[1] + J4$coef[2] * log(chemical[k]) 
  yhat4 <- exp(logyhat4)
  e4[k] <- magnetic[k] - yhat4#error between estimation and observation


print(c(mean(e1 ^ 2), mean(e2 ^ 2), mean(e3 ^ 2), mean(e4 ^ 2)))
#choose the model with the least average error

error <- data.frame(model = paste(c('L'),1:4,sep = ''),error = c(mean(e1 ^ 2), mean(e2 ^ 2), mean(e3 ^ 2), mean(e4 ^ 2)))
ggplot(error,aes(x=model,y = error))+
  geom_col(fill = 'wheat2')+
  xlab('errors of four models')

The second model has the least average error 17.02304. So the second model is the best with the leave-two-out CV.

Homework 6

exercise 8.1

Implement the two-sample Cramer-von Mises test for equal distributions as a permutation test. Apply the test to the data in Examples 8.1 and 8.2.


The Cramer-von Mises statistic, which estimates the integrated squared distance between the distributions, is defined by $$W_2=\frac{mn}{(m+n)^2}[\sum^n_{i=1}(F_n(x_i)-G_m(x_i))^2+\sum^m_{j=1}(F_n(x_j)-G_m(x_j))^2].$$
where $F_n$ is the ecdf of the sample $x_1,...,x_n$ and $G_m$ is the ecdf of the sample $y_1,...,y_m$.


x <- sort(as.vector(weight[feed == "soybean"]))
y <- sort(as.vector(weight[feed == "linseed"]))

z <- c(x,y)#pooled sample
R <- 999#number of replicates
K <- 1:length(z)
D <- numeric(R)#used to store statistics

CM <- function(x,y){#a function to compute the statistic of Cramer-von Mises
  ecdfx <- ecdf(x)
  ecdfy <- ecdf(y)
  l_x <- length(x)
  l_y <- length(y)

  sum1 <- sum((ecdfx(x)-ecdfy(x))^2)
  sum2 <- sum((ecdfx(y)-ecdfy(y))^2)

  w <- l_x*l_y/(l_x+l_y)^2*(sum1+sum2)

D0 <- CM(x,y)

for(i in 1:R) {
  k <- sample(K, size = length(x), replace = F)
  x1 <- z[k]
  y1 <- z[-k]
  D[i] <- CM(x1,y1)

p <- mean(c(D0, D) >= D0)


hist(D, main = "", freq = FALSE, xlab = "D (p = 0.401)", breaks = "scott")
points(D0, 0, cex = 1, pch = 16)

The approximate achieved significance level 0.401 does not support the alternative hypothesis that distributions differ. So we may say that soybean and linseed groups may be similar.


Design experiments for evaluating the performance of the NN, energy, and ball methods in various situations

Note: The parameters should be choosen such that the powers are distinguishable (say, range from 0.3 to 0.9).


Unequal variances and equal expectations

In the following code, the first case, where Unbalanced samples are with unequal variances and equal expectations is discussed.


m <- 30#times to loop
# mu <- 0.5
n1 <- n2 <- 50#nrow
R<-999#the number of replications in the bd.test function
n <- n1+n2
N = c(n1,n2)

Tn <- function(z, ix, sizes,k) {
  n1 <- sizes[1]
  n2 <- sizes[2]
  n <- n1 + n2
  if(is.vector(z)) z <- data.frame(z,0)
  z <- z[ix, ]
  NN <- nn2(data=z, k=k+1)
  block1 <- NN$nn.idx[1:n1,-1] 
  block2 <- NN$nn.idx[(n1+1):n,-1] 
  i1 <- sum(block1 < n1 + .5); i2 <- sum(block2 > n1+.5) 
  (i1 + i2) / (k * n)

eqdist.nn <- function(z,sizes,k){#NN
  boot.obj <- boot(data=z,statistic=Tn,R=R,
  sim = "permutation", sizes = sizes,k=k)
  ts <- c(boot.obj$t0,boot.obj$t)
  p.value <- mean(ts>=ts[1])

p.values <- matrix(NA,m,3)#to store p values

for(i in 1:m) {
  x <- matrix(rnorm(n1 * p, sd = 1), ncol = p)#unequal variances
  y <- matrix(rnorm(n2 * p, sd = 1.4), ncol = p)
  z <- rbind(x, y)
  p.values[i, 1] <- eqdist.nn(z, N, k)$p.value#NN
  p.values[i, 2] <- eqdist.etest(z, sizes = N, R = R)$p.value#in the energy package
  p.values[i, 3] <- bd.test(x = x, y = y, R = 999, seed = i)$p.value#"Ball Divergence" in the ball package

alpha <- 0.1#confidence level
pow <- apply(p.values<alpha,2,mean)#compute the number of p.values which is less than 0.1 in each column
power <- data.frame(methods = c('NN','energy','Ball'),pow)
  geom_col(fill = 'palegreen3')+

Unequal variances and unequal expectations:

for(i in 1:m) {
  x <- matrix(rnorm(n1 * p, mean = 0.4, sd = 1), ncol = p)#unequal variances and unequal expectations
  y <- matrix(rnorm(n2 * p, mean = 0, sd = 1.4), ncol = p)
  z <- rbind(x, y)
  p.values[i, 1] <- eqdist.nn(z, N, k)$p.value
  p.values[i, 2] <- eqdist.etest(z, sizes = N, R = R)$p.value
  p.values[i, 3] <- bd.test(x = x,  y = y,  R = 999,  seed = i)$p.value
alpha <- 0.1
pow <- apply(p.values<alpha,2,mean)
power <- data.frame(methods = c('NN','energy','Ball'),pow)
  geom_col(fill = 'lightslategrey')+

Non-normal distributions: t distribution with 1 df and bimodel distribution

for(i in 1:m) {
  x <- matrix(rt(n1 * p,df = 1), ncol = p)# t distribution
  y <- matrix(rnorm(n2 * p,sd = sample(c(1,1.3),size = n2*p, prob = c(0.5,0.5),replace = T)), ncol = p)#bimodel distribution
  z <- rbind(x, y)
  p.values[i, 1] <- eqdist.nn(z, N, k)$p.value
  p.values[i, 2] <- eqdist.etest(z, sizes = N, R = R)$p.value
  p.values[i, 3] <- bd.test(x = x, y = y, R = 999, seed = i)$p.value
alpha <- 0.01
pow <- apply(p.values<alpha,2,mean)
power <- data.frame(methods = c('NN','energy','Ball'),pow)
  geom_col(fill = 'mediumpurple')+

Unbalanced samples

n1 <- 50
n2 <- 5
n <- n1+n2
N = c(n1,n2)
for(i in 1:m) {
  x <- matrix(rnorm(n1*p,mean = 1), ncol = p)#100 samples
  y <- matrix(rnorm(n2*p,mean = 2), ncol = 2)#10 samples
  z <- rbind(x, y)
  p.values[i, 1] <- eqdist.nn(z, N, k)$p.value
  p.values[i, 2] <- eqdist.etest(z, sizes = N, R = R)$p.value
  p.values[i, 3] <- bd.test(x = x, y = y, R = 999, seed = i)$p.value
alpha <- 0.1
pow <- apply(p.values<alpha,2,mean)
power <- data.frame(methods = c('NN','energy','Ball'),pow)
  geom_col(fill = 'sienna2')+

The comments are similar in every chunk, so I only put them in the first chunk.
A function is defined to implement NN method. In every question, a loop is run to compute p values of each method. In my code, confidence level $\alpha$ is defined as 0.1, and the number of p values which are less than 0.1 are obtained by the funcion apply. At last, I use ggplot2 to generate a figure to show the difference of power in three methods.
I have tried a lot of parameters to make the gap of power as large as possible, making the difference of power clear enough.

Exercise 9.3

Use the Metropolis-Hastings sampler to generate random variables from a standard Cauchy distribution. Discard the first 1000 of the chain, and compare the deciles of the generated observations with the deciles of the standard Cauchy distribution (see qcauchy or qt with df=1). Recall that a $Cauchy(\theta, \eta)$ distribution has density function $$f(x)=\frac{1}{\theta\pi(1+[(x-\eta)/\theta]^2)}\quad-\infty0.$$ The standard Cauchy has the $Cauchy(\theta =1,\eta = 0)$ density. (Note that the standard Cauchy density is equal to the Student t density with one degree of freedom.)


For the proposal distribution, try the unif distribution with degrees of freedom $X_t$. We initialize the chain at $X_0$ in $x[1]$.



m <- 20000#the number of samples
x <- numeric(m)#to store the samples
x[1] <- runif(1)#the first sample
u <- runif(m)

standard_Cauchy <- function(x){

for (i in 1:m) {
  proposal<-x[i]+runif(1, min=-1, max=1)
  x[i+1]<-ifelse(accept==T, proposal, x[i])

x <- x[1001:m]
index <- 1001:m

quantile(x,probs = seq(0.1,0.9,0.1))
qcauchy(seq(0.1,0.9,0.1),loc = 0,scale=1)

x_tibble <- tibble(index,x)
  geom_point(alpha = 5/10,color = 'lightskyblue3')

k <- seq(-10,10,0.02)
hist(x, breaks="scott", main="", xlab="", freq=FALSE)

To see the generated sample as a realization of a stochastic process, we can plot the sample vs the time index. As the figure shows, the distribution of samples generated by the Metropolis-Hastings sampler converges to the Cauchy distribution.

Exercise 9.6

Rao presented an example on genetic linkage of 197 animals in four categories. The group sizes are (125, 18, 20, 34). Assume that the probabilities of the corresponding multinomial distribution are $$(\frac{1}{2}+\frac{\theta}{4},\frac{1-\theta}{4},\frac{1-\theta}{4},\frac{\theta}{4}.)$$ Estimate the posterior distribution of $\theta$ given the observed sample, using one of the methods in this chapter.


m <- 5000#length of the chain
w <- 0.25#width of the uniform support set
u <- runif(m)#for accept/reject step
v <- runif(m, -w, w)#proposal distribution
group <- c(125,18,20,34)
x <- numeric(m) #the chain

prob <- function(theta,group){

x[1] <- 0.4#initialize form 0.4
for (i in 2:m){
  theta <- x[i-1]+v[i]
  if (u[i] <= prob(theta, group) / prob(x[i-1], group))
    x[i] <- theta
    x[i] <- x[i-1]

index <- 1001:m#discard the first thousand sample

theta_hat <- mean(x[index])

x_tibble <- tibble(index = 1001:m,x=x[index])
  geom_point(alpha = 7/10,color = 'slateblue2')

The plot of the chains in Figure shows that the chain has converged to the target distribution. Now the generated chain provides an estimate of $theta$, after discarding the first thousand samples.

Modified Exercise 9.6

For exercise 9.6, use the Gelman-Rubin method to monitor convergence of the chain, and run the chain until the chain has converged approximately to the target distribution according to $\hat{R}< 1.2$.


The Gelman-Rubin statistic is the estimated potential scale reduction $\sqrt{\hat{R}}=\sqrt{\frac{\widehat{Var}(\psi)}{W}}$.which can be interpreted as measuring the factor by which the standard deviation of $\psi$ could be reduced by extending the chain. The function named 'Gelman.Rubin' is defined firstly to compute the diagnostic statistics after all chains have been generated. As the code in the last code chunk, sampler is written as a function 'Chain'.

group <- c(125,18,20,34)
k <- 4#number of chains to generate
N <- 5000#length of the chain
b <- 500#burn-in length

Gelman.Rubin <- function(psi) {
  psi <- as.matrix(psi)
  n <- ncol(psi)
  k <- nrow(psi)
  psi.means <- rowMeans(psi)#row means
  B <- n * var(psi.means)#between variance est.
  psi.w <- apply(psi, 1, "var")#within variances
  W <- mean(psi.w)#within est.
  v.hat <- W * (n - 1) / n + (B / n)#upper variance est.
  r.hat <- v.hat / W#G-R statistic

prob <- function(theta,group){

Chain <- function(group,N, X1) {
  x <- numeric(N)
  x[1] <- X1#initialize x[1]
  w <- 0.25
  u <- runif(N)
  v <- runif(m, -w, w)

  for (i in 2:N) {
    theta <- x[i - 1] + v[i]
    if (u[i] <= prob(theta, group) / prob(x[i - 1], group))
    x[i] <- theta
    x[i] <- x[i - 1]

#generate the chains
x0 <- c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8)
X <- matrix(0, nrow=k, ncol=N)
for (i in 1:k) X[i, ] <- Chain(group, N, x0[i])

#compute diagnostic statistics
psi <- t(apply(X, 1, cumsum))
for (i in 1:nrow(psi)) psi[i, ] <- psi[i, ] / (1:ncol(psi))

#plot psi for the four chains
for (i in 1:k)
  plot(psi[i, (b+1):N], type="l",
       xlab=i, ylab=bquote(psi))
par(mfrow=c(1,1)) #restore default

# plot the sequence of R-hat statistics
rhat <- rep(0, N)
for (j in (b+1):N) rhat[j] <- Gelman.Rubin(psi[,1:j])
plot(rhat[(b+1):N], type="l", xlab="", ylab="R")
abline(h=1.2, lty=2)

N <- b+which.min(rhat<=1.2)
X <- Chain(group,N, 0.6)
x_tibble <- tibble(index = 1:N,X)

We have already know when would the $\hat{R}< 1.2$ by


which is 501. We set N as b+501, and run the code again. So that we make the chain stop when the chain has converged approximately to the target distribution.

Homework 7

Exercise 11.4

Find the intersection points $A(k)$ in $(0,\sqrt{k})$ of the curves $$S_{k-1}(a)=P(t(k-1)>\sqrt{\frac{a^2(k-1)}{k-a^2}})$$ and $$S_{k}(a)=P(t(k)>\sqrt{\frac{a^2k}{k+1-a^2}})$$ for $k =4: 25, 100, 500, 1000$, where $t(k)$ is a Student $t$ random variable with $k$ degrees of freedom.


Firstly, we define a function S with parameters $k$ and $a$ to generate the curve $S_k(a)-S_{k-1}(a)$. If we can compute the intersection points of the curves $S_k(a)$ and $S_{k-1}(a)$ by computing the root of function $S_k(a)-S_{k-1}(a)$.

I use bisection method to solve this problem.

eps <- .Machine$double.eps^0.25#criterion to judge whether function is near to 0
k <- c(4:25,100,500,1000)#k mentioned in the question

S <- function(k,a){
  return((1-pt(sqrt((a^2*k)/(k+1-a^2)),df = k))-(1-pt(sqrt((a^2*(k-1))/(k-a^2)),df=k-1)))

Root <- function(k1){
a <- seq(0.1, sqrt(k1)-0.1,length = 3)
y <- c(S(k1,a[1]), S(k1,a[2]), S(k1,a[3]))
while(abs(y[2]) > eps) {
  if (y[1] * y[2] < 0) {
    a[3] <- a[2]
    y[3] <- y[2]
  } else {
    a[1] <- a[2]
    y[1] <- y[2]
  a[2] <- (a[1] + a[3]) / 2
  y[2] <- S(k1,a[2])
result <-list(k1,a[2],y[2])

for(i in k){#print the output of each k
  cat('k:',Root(i)[[1]],'root:',Root(i)[[2]],'value of function:',Root(i)[[3]],'\n')


Next, I plot two curves to show in two cases, the intersection points computed by the algorithm is the very zero point of the difference of two functions.

k <- 4
a <- seq(0.1,sqrt(k)-0.1,0.01)
y0 <- numeric(length(a))
y <- (1-pt(sqrt((a^2*k)/(k+1-a^2)),df = k))-(1-pt(sqrt((a^2*(k-1))/(k-a^2)),df=k-1))
cat('The root of curves when k = ',k,'is',Root(k)[[2]],'\n')

k <- 10
a <- seq(0.1,sqrt(k)-0.1,0.01)
y0 <- numeric(length(a))
y <- (1-pt(sqrt((a^2*k)/(k+1-a^2)),df = k))-(1-pt(sqrt((a^2*(k-1))/(k-a^2)),df=k-1))
cat('The root of curves when k = ',k,'is',Root(k)[[2]],'\n')

As the figures present, the intersection of the function value and zero is the numble computed exactly.

Homework 8

Exercise 11.6

Write a function to compute the cdf of the Cauchy distribution, which has density $$\frac{1}{\theta\pi(1+[(x-\eta)/\theta]^2)},\quad-\infty0$.Compare your results to the results from the R function pcauchy.


The idea of this answer is obtaining cdf of Cauchy distribution by using the definition of cdf, which is the intergral of the probability density function from negative infinite to some x. So I use the function 'integral' to compute the integral of pdf of Cauchy distribution.

Out of conciseness, in the first chunk, I only show two cases that the integral and the value obtained from the function 'pcauchy' are the same. However, you can try other combination if you like.


density_Cauchy <- function(theta,eta,x){
cdf_Cauchy <- function(a,theta,eta) integrate(Curry(density_Cauchy,theta,eta),-Inf,a)$value
p_cauchy <- function(a,theta,eta) pcauchy(a,location = eta,scale = theta)

#for example we set a = 3, theta = 2, eta = 2
a <- 3
theta <- 2
eta <- 2

#for example we set a = 0, theta = 5, eta = 1
a <- 0
theta <- 5
eta <- 1

It is clear that the cdfs generated from the function cdf_Cauchy and the pcauchy are the same.

Next, I make a few figures to show the correction of the code.

x <- seq(-10,10,1)
theta <- 2
eta <- 3
m <- 1
y1 <- numeric(length(x))
y2 <- numeric(length(x))

for(i in x){
  y1[m] <- cdf_Cauchy(i,theta,eta)
  y2[m] <- p_cauchy(i,theta,eta)
  m <- m+1

cauchy <- tibble(x=c(x,x),y=c(y1,y2),method=rep(c('integral','pcauchy'),each = 21))
  geom_col(aes(fill = method),position = 'dodge')

As the figure shows, the cdf computed by integral and the function 'pcauchy' are the same at different x.

A-B-O blood type problem

|Genotype|Frequency|Count| |:-:|:-:|:-:| |AA|p2|nAA| |BB|q2|nBB| |OO|r2|nOO| |AO|2pr|nAO| |BO|2qr|nBO| |AB|2pq|nAB| | |1|n|


Because of the observed data, we can rewrite the table as:

|Genotype|Frequency|Count| |:-:|:-:|:-:| |AA|p2|nAA| |BB|q2|nBB| |OO|r2|nOO(41)| |AO|2pr|nAO(28-nAA)| |BO|2qr|nBO(24-nBB)| |AB|2pq|nAB(70)| | |1|n(163)|

p=0.3   #initial est. for p
lof=function(p,q,r){   #log maximum likelihood values

for (j in 1:N){
  if(abs(p-(2*naa+nao+nab)/2/n)<1e-8&&abs(q-(2*nbb+nbo+nab)/2/n)<1e-8&&abs(r-(2*noo+nbo+nao)/2/n)<1e-8&&j>5) {print(j);break}
  p=(2*naa+nao+nab)/2/n  #update estimation


The results of $\hat{p},\hat{q},\hat{r}$ are 0.3282209 0.3098160 0.3619632.

Homework 9

11.1.2 Exercise 3

Use both for loops and lapply() to fit linear models to the mtcars using the formulas stored in this list:

formulas <- list( 
  mpg ~ disp,
  mpg ~ I(1 / disp),
  mpg ~ disp + wt,
  mpg ~ I(1 / disp) + wt


You can find two groups of numbers are the same, so it shows the code is correct.

n <- length(formulas)


# loop
for (i in 1:n){

# lapply
lapply(formulas, lm)


11.1.2 Exercise 4

Fit the model mpg ~ disp to each of the bootstrap replicates of mtcars in the list below by using a for loop and lapply(). Can you do it without an anonymous function?

bootstraps <- lapply(1:10, function(i) {
  rows <- sample(1:nrow(mtcars), rep = TRUE)
  mtcars[rows, ]


You can find two groups of numbers are the same, so it shows the code is correct.

# loop
for(i in 1:10){

# lapply
for(i in 1:10){
  bootstraps[[i]] <- subset(bootstraps[[i]],select=c(mpg,disp))


11.1.2 Exercise 5

For each model in the previous two exercises, extract R2 using the function below.

rsq <- function(mod) summary(mod)$r.squared


You can find two groups of numbers are the same, so it shows the code is correct.

# Exercise 3

# loop
for (i in 1:n){

# lapply


# Exercise 4
# loop
for(i in 1:10){

# lapply

11.2.5 Exercise 3

The following code simulates the performance of a t-test for non-normal data. Use sapply() and an anonymous function to extract the p-value from every trial.

trials <- replicate(
  t.test(rpois(10, 10), rpois(7, 10)),
  simplify = FALSE



11.2.5 Exercise 6

Implement a combination of Map() and vapply() to create an lapply() variant that iterates in parallel over all of its inputs and stores its outputs in a vector (or a matrix). What arguments should the function take?


data <- matrix(rnorm(20, 0, 10), nrow = 4)
x <- as.data.frame(data)
answer1 <- Map("/",x,vapply(x,mean,c(1)))
answer2 <- lapply(x,function(data){data/(mean(data))})

Homework 10

Exercise 4

Make a faster version of chisq.test() that only computes the chi-square test statistic when the input is two numeric vectors with no missing values. You can try simplifying chisq.test() or by coding from the mathematical definition (http://en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson%27s_chi-squared_test).


I choose to modify the function 'chisq.test' by letting it only return the p.value instead of a list as usual. After that, I try two samples to verify that the modified function is doable.

chisq.test_simp <- function(x, y = NULL, correct = T,p = rep(1/length(x),length(x)),rescale.p = F, simulate.p.value = F, B = 2000)
    DNAME <- deparse(substitute(x))
    if (is.data.frame(x)) 
        x <- as.matrix(x)
    if (is.matrix(x)) {
        if (min(dim(x)) == 1L) 
            x <- as.vector(x)
    if (!is.matrix(x) && !is.null(y)) {
        if (length(x) != length(y)) 
            stop("'x' and 'y' must have the same length")
        DNAME2 <- deparse(substitute(y))
        xname <- if (length(DNAME) > 1L || nchar(DNAME, "w") > 
        else DNAME
        yname <- if (length(DNAME2) > 1L || nchar(DNAME2, "w") > 
        else DNAME2
        OK <- complete.cases(x, y)
        x <- factor(x[OK])
        y <- factor(y[OK])
        if ((nlevels(x) < 2L) || (nlevels(y) < 2L)) 
            stop("'x' and 'y' must have at least 2 levels")
        x <- table(x, y)
        names(dimnames(x)) <- c(xname, yname)
        DNAME <- paste(paste(DNAME, collapse = "\n"), "and", 
            paste(DNAME2, collapse = "\n"))
    if (any(x < 0) || anyNA(x)) 
        stop("all entries of 'x' must be nonnegative and finite")
    if ((n <- sum(x)) == 0) 
        stop("at least one entry of 'x' must be positive")
    if (simulate.p.value) {
        setMETH <- function() METHOD <<- paste(METHOD, "with simulated p-value\n\t (based on", 
            B, "replicates)")
        almost.1 <- 1 - 64 * .Machine$double.eps
    if (is.matrix(x)) {
        METHOD <- "Pearson's Chi-squared test"
        nr <- as.integer(nrow(x))
        nc <- as.integer(ncol(x))
        if (is.na(nr) || is.na(nc) || is.na(nr * nc)) 
            stop("invalid nrow(x) or ncol(x)", domain = NA)
        sr <- rowSums(x)
        sc <- colSums(x)
        E <- outer(sr, sc, "*")/n
        v <- function(r, c, n) c * r * (n - r) * (n - c)/n^3
        V <- outer(sr, sc, v, n)
        dimnames(E) <- dimnames(x)
        if (simulate.p.value && all(sr > 0) && all(sc > 0)) {
            tmp <- .Call(C_chisq_sim, sr, sc, B, E)
            STATISTIC <- sum(sort((x - E)^2/E, decreasing = TRUE))
            PARAMETER <- NA
            PVAL <- (1 + sum(tmp >= almost.1 * STATISTIC))/(B + 
        else {
            if (simulate.p.value) 
                warning("cannot compute simulated p-value with zero marginals")
            if (correct && nrow(x) == 2L && ncol(x) == 2L) {
                YATES <- min(0.5, abs(x - E))
                if (YATES > 0) 
                  METHOD <- paste(METHOD, "with Yates' continuity correction")
            else YATES <- 0
            STATISTIC <- sum((abs(x - E) - YATES)^2/E)
            PARAMETER <- (nr - 1L) * (nc - 1L)
            PVAL <- pchisq(STATISTIC, PARAMETER, lower.tail = FALSE)
    else {
        if (length(dim(x)) > 2L) 
            stop("invalid 'x'")
        if (length(x) == 1L) 
            stop("'x' must at least have 2 elements")
        if (length(x) != length(p)) 
            stop("'x' and 'p' must have the same number of elements")
        if (any(p < 0)) 
            stop("probabilities must be non-negative.")
        if (abs(sum(p) - 1) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
            if (rescale.p) 
                p <- p/sum(p)
            else stop("probabilities must sum to 1.")
        METHOD <- "Chi-squared test for given probabilities"
        E <- n * p
        V <- n * p * (1 - p)
        STATISTIC <- sum((x - E)^2/E)
        names(E) <- names(x)
        if (simulate.p.value) {
            nx <- length(x)
            sm <- matrix(sample.int(nx, B * n, TRUE, prob = p), 
                nrow = n)
            ss <- apply(sm, 2L, function(x, E, k) {
                sum((table(factor(x, levels = 1L:k)) - E)^2/E)
            }, E = E, k = nx)
            PARAMETER <- NA
            PVAL <- (1 + sum(ss >= almost.1 * STATISTIC))/(B + 
        else {
            PARAMETER <- length(x) - 1
            PVAL <- pchisq(STATISTIC, PARAMETER, lower.tail = FALSE)
    names(STATISTIC) <- "X-squared"
    names(PARAMETER) <- "df"
    if (any(E < 5) && is.finite(PARAMETER)) 
        warning("Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect")

x <- c(100,200,150,172,134)
y <- c(100,104,103,98)

Exercise 5

Can you make a faster version of table() for the case of an input of two integer vectors with no missing values? Can you use it to speed up your chi-square test?


I create a matrix, whose numbers of row and column are the numbers of different variables x and y respectively, to store the data. If there is a pair of number corresponding with the some position of the matrix, let the number of that position plus one.

table2 <- function(x, y) {
  x_val <- unique(x)
  y_val <- unique(y)
  mat <- matrix(0L, length(x_val), length(y_val))
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    mat[which(x_val == x[[i]]), which(y_val == y[[i]])] <-
      mat[which(x_val == x[[i]]),  which(y_val == y[[i]])] + 1L
  dimnames <- list(x_val, y_val)
  names(dimnames) <- as.character(as.list(match.call())[-1])
  tab <- array(mat, dim = dim(mat), dimnames = dimnames)
  class(tab) <- "table"

a <- c(1, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4)
b <- c(2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4)

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