
Defines functions plot_vector get_raw

Documented in plot_vector

# Code for some utility functions that help the databending process

# A wrapper for reading raw files
get_raw <- function(...) {

#' Plot the raw vector as an image in the RStudio Viewer.
#' Helper function to plot the raw vector as an image in the RStudio Viewer pane
#' (or another configured browser) using the magick package.
#' @param raw_vector The raw vector object in R which you wish to plot.
#' @param height_px The width in pixels to scale the image before viewing. To
#'   ensure the correct aspect ratio is maintained when specifying height, set
#'   \code{width_px = NULL}.
#' @param width_px The width in pixels to scale the image before viewing.
#' @return A printable magick tibble.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   glitch_it(demo_img1, method = "far",
#'             n_changes = 3, tune = 5) %>%
#'   plot_vector(width_px = 300)
#' }
#' @export
plot_vector <- function(raw_vector, height_px = NULL, width_px = 550) {
  raw_vector %>%
    magick::image_read() %>%
    magick::image_scale(magick::geometry_size_pixels(height = height_px,
                                                     width = width_px)) %>%
pj398/glitchr documentation built on Aug. 18, 2022, 7:36 a.m.