CONOP9companion-package: Tools for integrating biostratigraphic software CONOP9 in a...

Description Details Author(s) References


Help preparing input files of CONOP9, read output files of CONOP9 and a few functions to plot and analyze the data.


Package: CONOP9companion
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2013-09-24
License: GPL
Depends: methods

Two object classes are implemented (CONOPinput-class for input files and CONOP-class for output files of CONOP9). Functions lofo and pacman are used to prepare the data before the CONOP analysis. Function prep.conop is used to prepare the input files for CONOP9 while function read.CONOP is used to import the result of a CONOP analysis. Several classic plots, already presents in the CONOP9 GUI, are also implemented here, namely draw.ranges, sect.ranges, fence, printLOC and collection.quality, culling and Section.vs.composite. Some additional functions are provided to help analysing the composite sequence of events (compact.ordinal, composite.age, site2composite).


Johan Renaudie.

Johan Renaudie <> <>


Sadler, P. M. 2007. CONOP9 version 7.43

plannapus/CONOP9companion documentation built on March 18, 2021, 9:39 a.m.