evalModel: Evaluate transcript model

evalModelR Documentation

Evaluate transcript model


Evaluate trascript model's precision and recall on exon nucleotides, splice junctions, and splice patterns by comparing them to transcript targets


evalModel(model_exons, target_exons)

## S4 method for signature 'GRanges,GRanges'
evalModel(model_exons, target_exons)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character'
evalModel(model_exons, target_exons)

## S4 method for signature 'data.table,data.table'
evalModel(model_exons, target_exons)

## S4 method for signature 'character,data.table'
evalModel(model_exons, target_exons)



genomic coordinates for transcript model exons


genomic coordinates for transcript target exons


a data table of precision, recall, number of true positive, false negative, false positive for all three evaluated features

Methods (by class)

  • model_exons = GRanges,target_exons = GRanges: Both model_exons and target_exons are GRanges objects to define genomic coordinates of exons. Required to have a meta-data column named 'trid' to define each exon's transcript ID.

  • model_exons = character,target_exons = character: Both model_exons and target_exons are GTF files with full names. Each GTF file is required to have a 'transcript_id' tag in column 9.

  • model_exons = data.table,target_exons = data.table: Both model_exons and target_exons are data.table objects to define exon genomic coordinatess. Required to have the following columns:

    • chrom: exon's chromosome, e.g. 'chr8'

    • start: exon's start position

    • end: exon's end position

    • strand: exon's strand, '+' or '-'

    • trid: exon's transcript ID

  • model_exons = character,target_exons = data.table: The model_exons is a GTF file with full name and target_exons is a data.table object. Requirements for GTF and data.table are the same as above


fmdl = system.file('extdata/benchmark/plcf.tsv', package='pram')
ftgt = system.file('extdata/benchmark/tgt.tsv',  package='pram')

mdldt = data.table::fread(fmdl, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
tgtdt = data.table::fread(ftgt, header=TRUE, sep="\t")

evalModel(mdldt, tgtdt)

pliu55/pram documentation built on March 30, 2024, 7:24 p.m.