dbcToast: Toast component

View source: R/dashBootstrapComponents.R

dbcToastR Documentation

Toast component


Toasts can be used to push messages and notifactions to users. Control visibility of the toast with the 'is_open' prop, or use 'duration' to set a timer for auto-dismissal.


dbcToast(children=NULL, id=NULL, style=NULL, class_name=NULL,
className=NULL, header_style=NULL, header_class_name=NULL,
headerClassName=NULL, body_style=NULL, body_class_name=NULL,
bodyClassName=NULL, tag=NULL, is_open=NULL, key=NULL,
header=NULL, dismissable=NULL, duration=NULL,
n_dismiss=NULL, n_dismiss_timestamp=NULL, icon=NULL,
color=NULL, loading_state=NULL)



A list of or a singular dash component, string or number. The children of this component


Character. The ID of this component, used to identify dash components in callbacks. The ID needs to be unique across all of the components in an app.


Named list. Defines CSS styles which will override styles previously set.


Character. Often used with CSS to style elements with common properties.


Character. **DEPRECATED** Use 'class_name' instead.

Often used with CSS to style elements with common properties.


Named list. Defines CSS styles which will override styles previously set. The styles set here apply to the header of the toast.


Character. Often used with CSS to style elements with common properties. The classes specified with this prop will be applied to the header of the toast.


Character. **DEPRECATED** - use 'header_class_name' instead

Often used with CSS to style elements with common properties. The classes specified with this prop will be applied to the header of the toast.


Named list. Defines CSS styles which will override styles previously set. The styles set here apply to the body of the toast.


Character. Often used with CSS to style elements with common properties. The classes specified with this prop will be applied to the body of the toast.


Character. **DEPRECATED** - use 'body_class_name' instead.

Often used with CSS to style elements with common properties. The classes specified with this prop will be applied to the body of the toast.


Character. HTML tag to use for the Toast, default: div


Logical. Whether Toast is currently open.


Character. A unique identifier for the component, used to improve performance by React.js while rendering components See https://reactjs.org/docs/lists-and-keys.html for more info


Character. Text to populate the header with


Logical. Set to True to add a dismiss button to the header which will close the toast on click


Numeric. Duration in milliseconds after which the Alert dismisses itself.


Numeric. An integer that represents the number of times that the dismiss button has been clicked on.


Numeric. Use of *_timestamp props has been deprecated in Dash in favour of dash.callback_context. See "How do I determine which Input has changed?" in the Dash FAQs https://dash.plot.ly/faqs.

An integer that represents the time (in ms since 1970) at which n_dismiss changed. This can be used to tell which button was changed most recently.


Character. Add a contextually coloured icon to the header of the toast. Options are: "primary", "secondary", "success", "warning", "danger", "info", "light" or "dark".


Character. Toast color, options: primary, secondary, success, info, warning, danger, light, dark. Default: secondary.


Lists containing elements 'is_loading', 'prop_name', 'component_name'. those elements have the following types: - is_loading (logical; optional): determines if the component is loading or not - prop_name (character; optional): holds which property is loading - component_name (character; optional): holds the name of the component that is loading. Object that holds the loading state object coming from dash-renderer


named list of JSON elements corresponding to React.js properties and their values

plotly/dashR documentation built on Dec. 18, 2024, 5:51 p.m.