Man pages for pmartR/peppuR

applyCorrelationFilterRemoves features that are clustered by correlation, replacing...
applyFeatureSelectionRemoves features that are above pvalue threshold
applyvarianceFilterRemoves features that have near zero variance
as.MLinputCreates input for ML packages
correlationFilterRemoves features that are clustered by correlation, replacing...
dataPartitioningReturns information on how to partition y_data
impute_missingImputes missing values
MLSelectionApplies the MLWrapper to all data sources with all algorithms...
MLwrapperApplies ML algorithms to partitioned data
naiveIntegrationCombine probabilities from multiple data sources.
pairCorrectionPaired feature correction
peppuR_knnKNN method
peppuR_ldaLDA method
peppuR_lrLR method
peppuR_nbNaive Bayes method
peppuR_rfRandom Forest method
peppuR_svmSVM method
plot-peppuRplots MLinput, featSelect objects
plot-peppuR-featSelectplot.featSelect Plots an object of class featSelect
plot-peppuR-MLinputPlots an object of class MLInput
plot-peppuR-mlSelectPlots an object of class mlSelect
plot.uniFiltResPlots an object of class uniFiltRes
rofiRepeated Optimized Feature Integration
univariate_feature_selectionComputes features p-values
varianceFilterApplies near Zero Variance function to data or data...
pmartR/peppuR documentation built on Jan. 17, 2020, 12:54 p.m.