corpus_dissonance: Corpus dissonance

View source: R/model-corpdiss.R

corpus_dissonanceR Documentation

Corpus dissonance


Calculates a corpus-based estimate of the dissonance of a sonority.


corpus_dissonance(x, table = incon::popular_1_pc_chord_type)



Sonority to analyse. This should be an object created by the hrep package, representing a pitch chord (pi_chord), representing a pitch-class chord (pc_chord), representing a pitch-class chord type (pc_chord_type), or a pitch-class set (pc_set). This object will be coerced to the same type as the corpus dissonance table, i.e. type(table).


Corpus dissonance table, as created by corpus_dissonance_table(). This table summarises chord prevalences within a corpus. The default is popular_1_pc_chord_type.


By default, dissonance is estimated from chord prevalences in the McGill Billboard dataset \insertCiteBurgoyne2011incon. The dataset's contents were sampled from the Billboard magazine's United States "Hot 100" chart between 1958 and 1991, and transcribed by expert musicians. See '?hcorp::popular_1' for more details.

By default, the dissonance estimation treats chords as transposition invariant, and chord pitches as octave-invariant, but differentiates between different inversions of the same chord. Different behaviour can be achieved by passing a custom corpus analysis to the table argument.


Dissonance estimate, as a numeric scalar.



pmcharrison/incon documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 3:18 a.m.