
# # Unfortunately the two packages have now diverged too far 
# # for regression tests to be useful.
# context("test-ppmdecay")
# library(magrittr)
# # These regression tests compare model outputs with those 
# # from the 'PPMdecay' package.
# test_that("abra", {
#   abra <- c("a", "b", "r", "a", "c", "a", "d", "a", "b", "r", "a") %>% 
#     factor() %>% 
#     as.integer() %>% 
#     magrittr::subtract(1L)
#   m <- new_ppm_decay(alphabet_size = 5L, 
#                      order_bound = 10L,
#                      buffer_length_time = 3, 
#                      buffer_length_items = 2, 
#                      buffer_weight = 0.8,
#                      stm_half_life = 2,
#                      stm_weight = 0.3, 
#                      ltm_weight = 0.05, 
#                      noise = 0)
#   lapply(0:1, function(i) {
#     model_seq(m, abra, time = 0:10 + i * 11, zero_indexed = TRUE)
#   }) %>% do.call(rbind, .) %>% `$`(distribution) %>% 
#     expect_equal(
#       list(c(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2), 
#            c(0.591836734693878, 0.102040816326531, 0.102040816326531, 0.102040816326531, 0.102040816326531), 
#            c(0.397260273972603, 0.397260273972603, 0.0684931506849315, 0.0684931506849315, 0.0684931506849315), 
#            c(0.147904920371259, 0.363393489841669, 0.0626540499727015, 0.0626540499727015, 0.363393489841669), 
#            c(0.324720602626979, 0.305524550586097, 0.0474044675367852, 0.0474044675367852, 0.274945911713354),
#            c(0.371634645282067, 0.114903935846202, 0.325094062394133, 0.0560507004127815, 0.132316656064816), 
#            c(0.212754603821084, 0.123029293122506, 0.581402207682115, 0.0271520968440312, 0.0556617985302639), 
#            c(0.388611953842548, 0.0877829446703387, 0.123716836564072, 0.303964823336098, 0.0959234415869435), 
#            c(0.204003362529274, 0.0842773551889733, 0.135934577485402, 0.535482053988039, 0.0403026508083115), 
#            c(0.329588944612664, 0.26041709070064, 0.075809023616589, 0.0977743545237017, 0.236410586546405), 
#            c(0.398958074667906, 0.230595529049823, 0.0619723059947869, 0.0758467028592914, 0.232627387428193), 
#            c(0.403577796305832, 0.132670543119795, 0.075388661589732, 0.0881607572726197, 0.300202241712021), 
#            c(0.417342909717127, 0.249422976906781, 0.107277535634155, 0.135973187031101, 0.0899833907108366), 
#            c(0.271886310519583, 0.209612690795878, 0.0430383618392219, 0.0470214723736321, 0.428441164471686), 
#            c(0.603083332521814, 0.162136630097334, 0.0331922876605594, 0.0354249527498347, 0.166162796970458), 
#            c(0.227334986499642, 0.293302343803352, 0.235275290171967, 0.0763123102716286, 0.167775069253411), 
#            c(0.552073847825097, 0.0936981495460931, 0.201799621203427, 0.0457562943857287, 0.106672087039655), 
#            c(0.142766297938479, 0.128473798979268, 0.385799523247887, 0.301268151212321, 0.0416922286220445), 
#            c(0.610093865832537, 0.0672455383795189, 0.0759321954117185, 0.173892969163789, 0.0728354312124361), 
#            c(0.122453185860168, 0.430677675133424, 0.0949120731171025, 0.323412530843117, 0.0285445350461883),
#            c(0.1806026455259, 0.130366201390084, 0.0402464563362021, 0.0504308855799309, 0.598353811167882), 
#            c(0.721551369637551, 0.105334837972324, 0.030414843377389, 0.0362927619729929, 0.106406187039743)))
# })
# # library(PPMdecay)
# # 
# # m <- new_model(alphabet = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "r"), 
# #                max_order_bound = 10)
# # lapply(0:1, function(i) {
# #   predict_seq(m,
# #               c("a", "b", "r", "a", "c", "a", "d", "a", "b", "r", "a"),
# #               time = 0:10 + i * 11,
# #               save_distribution = TRUE,
# #               options = ppm_options(decay = decay_buffer(
# #                 buffer_time = 3, 
# #                 buffer_items = 2, 
# #                 buffer_rate = 0.8,
# #                 stm_half_life = 2,
# #                 stm_rate = 0.3, 
# #                 ltm_rate = 0.05, 
# #                 noise = 0
# #               )))
# # }) %>% do.call(rbind, .) %>% `$`(distribution) %>%
# #   lapply(function(x) magrittr::set_names(x, NULL)) %>% 
# #   {dump(".", file = "")}
# test_that("no decay", {
#   abra <- c("a", "b", "r", "a", "c", "a", "d", "a", "b", "r", "a") %>% 
#     factor() %>% 
#     as.integer() %>% 
#     magrittr::subtract(1L)
#   m <- new_ppm_decay(alphabet_size = 5L, 
#                      order_bound = 10L,
#                      buffer_length_time = 20, 
#                      buffer_length_items = 200, 
#                      buffer_weight = 1,
#                      stm_half_life = 2,
#                      stm_weight = 1, 
#                      ltm_weight = 1, 
#                      noise = 0)
#   lapply(0:1, function(i) {
#     model_seq(m, abra, time = 0:10 + i * 11, zero_indexed = TRUE)
#   }) %>% do.call(rbind, .) %>% 
#     `$`(distribution) %>% 
#     expect_equal(
#       list(c(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2), 
#            c(0.636363636363636, 0.0909090909090909, 0.0909090909090909, 0.0909090909090909, 0.0909090909090909), 
#            c(0.411764705882353, 0.411764705882353, 0.0588235294117647, 0.0588235294117647, 0.0588235294117647), 
#            c(0.304347826086957, 0.304347826086957, 0.0434782608695652, 0.0434782608695652, 0.304347826086957), 
#            c(0.220338983050847, 0.627118644067797, 0.0169491525423729, 0.0169491525423729, 0.11864406779661), 
#            c(0.371428571428571, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0285714285714286, 0.2), 
#            c(0.152, 0.392, 0.392, 0.008, 0.056), 
#            c(0.404255319148936, 0.148936170212766, 0.148936170212766, 0.148936170212766, 0.148936170212766), 
#            c(0.116279069767442, 0.283720930232558, 0.283720930232558, 0.283720930232558, 0.0325581395348837), 
#            c(0.104602510460251, 0.0543933054393305, 0.0292887029288703, 0.0292887029288703, 0.782426778242678), 
#            c(0.924098671726755, 0.0246679316888046, 0.0132827324478178, 0.0132827324478178, 0.0246679316888046), 
#            c(0.436619718309859, 0.183098591549296, 0.0985915492957747, 0.0985915492957747, 0.183098591549296), 
#            c(0.0951156812339331, 0.434447300771208, 0.218508997429306, 0.218508997429306, 0.0334190231362468), 
#            c(0.0490066225165563, 0.0251655629139073, 0.00927152317880795, 0.00927152317880795, 0.907284768211921), 
#            c(0.978592013174146, 0.00782214903252368, 0.00288184438040346, 0.00288184438040346, 0.00782214903252368), 
#            c(0.00933362274799218, 0.0666377252007814, 0.897547210766225, 0.0223572823963534, 0.00412415888864771), 
#            c(0.982224946368373, 0.00582286239656757, 0.00398406374501992, 0.00214526509347227, 0.00582286239656757), 
#            c(0.00202554669091811, 0.0141788268364268, 0.00946633045347443, 0.973543879955355, 0.00078541606382539), 
#            c(0.995613734493866, 0.00130217257213351, 0.000890960180933452, 0.000890960180933452, 0.00130217257213351), 
#            c(0.000447594788369046, 0.995279909504472, 0.00205893602649761, 0.00205893602649761, 0.000154623654163852), 
#            c(0.000213139466841312, 9.68815758369599e-05, 5.03784194352192e-05, 5.03784194352192e-05, 0.999589222118451), 
#            c(0.999929717027807, 2.31193987476684e-05, 1.20220873487876e-05, 1.20220873487876e-05, 2.31193987476684e-05))
#     )
#   # m <- new_model(alphabet = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "r"), 
#   #                max_order_bound = 10)
#   # v1 <- lapply(0:1, function(i) {
#   #   predict_seq(m,
#   #               c("a", "b", "r", "a", "c", "a", "d", "a", "b", "r", "a"),
#   #               time = 0:10 + i * 11,
#   #               save_distribution = TRUE,
#   #               options = ppm_options(decay = decay_buffer(
#   #                 buffer_time = 200, 
#   #                 buffer_items = 200, 
#   #                 buffer_rate = 1,
#   #                 stm_half_life = 2,
#   #                 stm_rate = 1, 
#   #                 ltm_rate = 1, 
#   #                 noise = 0
#   #               )))
#   # }) %>% do.call(rbind, .) %>%
#   #   (function(x) {
#   #     x$distribution <- lapply(x$distribution, function(x) set_names(x, NULL))
#   #     x
#   #   }) %>% 
#   #   `$`(distribution) %>% 
#   #   {dump(".", file = "")}
# })
# if (require("PPMdecay")) {
#   compare_implementations <- function(order_bound = 10L,
#                                       buffer_length_time = 200, 
#                                       buffer_length_items = 200, 
#                                       buffer_weight = 1,
#                                       stm_half_life = 2,
#                                       stm_weight = 1, 
#                                       ltm_weight = 1, 
#                                       noise = 0) {
#     abra <- c("a", "b", "r", "a", "c", "a", "d", "a", "b", "r", "a") %>% 
#       factor() %>% 
#       as.integer() %>% 
#       magrittr::subtract(1L)    
#     m1 <- new_ppm_decay(alphabet_size = 5,
#                         order_bound = order_bound,
#                         buffer_length_time = buffer_length_time,
#                         buffer_length_items = buffer_length_items,
#                         buffer_weight = buffer_weight,
#                         stm_half_life = stm_half_life,
#                         stm_weight = stm_weight,
#                         ltm_weight = ltm_weight,
#                         noise = noise)
#     res1 <- lapply(0:1, function(i) {
#       model_seq(m1, abra, time = 0:10 + i * 11, zero_indexed = TRUE)
#     }) %>% do.call(rbind, .)
#     m2 <- new_model(alphabet = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "r"), 
#                     max_order_bound = 10)
#     res2 <- lapply(0:1, function(i) {
#       predict_seq(m2,
#                   c("a", "b", "r", "a", "c", "a", "d", "a", "b", "r", "a"),
#                   time = 0:10 + i * 11,
#                   save_distribution = TRUE,
#                   options = ppm_options(
#                     order_bound = order_bound,
#                     decay = decay_buffer(
#                       buffer_time = buffer_length_time, 
#                       buffer_items = buffer_length_items, 
#                       buffer_rate = buffer_weight,
#                       stm_half_life = stm_half_life,
#                       stm_rate = stm_weight, 
#                       ltm_rate = ltm_weight, 
#                       noise = noise
#                     )))
#     }) %>% do.call(rbind, .) %>%
#       (function(x) {
#         x$distribution <- lapply(x$distribution, function(x) set_names(x, NULL))
#         x
#       })
#     expect_equal(res1$distribution, 
#                  res2$distribution)
#   }
#   compare_implementations()
#   compare_implementations(buffer_length_items = 3, 
#                           stm_weight = 0,
#                           ltm_weight = 0)
#   compare_implementations(buffer_length_items = 4, 
#                           stm_weight = 0.5,
#                           ltm_weight = 0)
#   compare_implementations(buffer_length_items = 4, 
#                           stm_weight = 0.5,
#                           ltm_weight = 0.25)
#   compare_implementations(buffer_length_time = 4, 
#                           stm_weight = 0.5,
#                           ltm_weight = 0.25)
#   compare_implementations(buffer_length_time = 7, 
#                           buffer_weight = 0.75,
#                           stm_weight = 0.5,
#                           ltm_weight = 0.25)
#   compare_implementations(buffer_length_time = 4, 
#                           stm_weight = 0.5,
#                           ltm_weight = 0.25,
#                           stm_half_life = 4.5)
#   compare_implementations(buffer_length_time = 4, 
#                           stm_weight = 0.5,
#                           ltm_weight = 0.25,
#                           stm_half_life = 4.5,
#                           order_bound = 3)
# }
pmcharrison/ppm documentation built on June 4, 2021, 9:45 a.m.