
#' psychTestRCAT
#' This package supports the creation of adaptive tests
#' within the psychTestR computerised testing framework.
#' Start creating an adaptive test with the \code{\link{adapt_test}} function.
#' Also see the following example implementations:
#' - [mdt](http://github.com/pmcharrison/mdt) -
#' Melody discrimination test.
#' - [mpt](http://github.com/pmcharrison/mpt) -
#' Mistuning perception test.
#' - [cabat](http://github.com/pmcharrison/cabat) -
#' Beat perception test.
#' - [piat](http://github.com/pmcharrison/piat) -
#' Pitch imagery test.
#' @md
#' @keywords internal

#' psychTestRCAT dictionary
#' This object defines a dictionary (see \code{\link[psychTestR]{i18n_dict}})
#' for internationalising psychTestRCAT.
#' @keywords data
#' @docType data
#' @name ptrcat_dict
#' @rdname ptrcat_dict
pmcharrison/psychTestRCAT documentation built on Sept. 12, 2020, 7:18 a.m.