Man pages for pmur002/metaplot
Meta-analysis Forest Plots

drawMetaPlot Function
drawMeta.metabinMPlot Function for 'metabinM' Objects
drawMeta.metacontMPlot Function for 'metacontM' Objects
makeCIDescMake a Column Description for Confidence Intervals
makeColDescMake a Column Description in Specified Format
makeLabelDescMake a label description for heterogeneity measures.
makeMSDDescMake a Column Description for Combined Mean and Standard...
makeStatsDescMake a Text Description for Heterogeneity Measures
meta2DFConvert Meta-analysis Objects to Data Frames
meta2DF.metabinConvert 'metabin' Objects into Data Frames
meta2DF.metacontConvert 'metacont' Objects into Data Frames
metaDF2MatrixConvert 'metaDF' Objects to Matrices
metaDF2Matrix.metabinDFConvert 'metacontDF' Objects to Matrices
metaDF2Matrix.metacontDFConvert 'metabinDF' Objects to Matrices
metaParSet Graphical Parameters for Forest Plot
metaParDefaultsDefault Settings for metaPar
metaPlotForest Plot Function
metaplot-internalInternal metaplot Functions
metaplot-packageMetaplot: A Forest Plot Graphics Package
print.metabinDFPrint Method for 'metabinDF' Objects
print.metaParPrint Method for 'metaPar' Objects
resetDefaultsReset Default Settings for metaPar
pmur002/metaplot documentation built on May 25, 2019, 10:21 a.m.