Man pages for pnnl/glmnetLRC
Lasso and Elastic-Net Logistic Regression Classification with an Arbitrary Loss Function

genericsGenerics for 'extract' and 'missingpreds' methods
glmnetLRCConstruct a lasso or elastic-net logistic regression...
glmnetLRC_fitA glmnetLRC model fit object
glmnetLRC-packageLasso and elastic-net logistic regression classification with...
lossMatrixBuild a loss matrix
plot.LRCpredPlot the predictions of logistic regression classifier
summary.LRCpredSummarize predictions of logistic regression classifier
testdataTest data set from the Vorbitrap mass spectrometry instrument
traindataTraining data set from the Vorbitrap mass spectrometry...
pnnl/glmnetLRC documentation built on May 25, 2019, 10:22 a.m.